  • 期刊


Goddess Saves Patriarchal Society: Gender Interlocution and Efficacy Performance in Becoming a Female Deity




父權社會 女神 民間信仰 媽祖 觀音 靈驗


Under Chinese patriarchal umbrella, it is believed that woman has been polluted. Woman is prohibited from political and some ritual participation. Nevertheless, goddess (Kuan Yin, Ma Tsu, Unborn Mother, Lady overlooking the water, etc.) worship is prosperous and influential in Chinese society. How can we resolve this puzzle? Sangren suggests an opposite symbolic projection for female deities, thus they will be perfect without any fault within the symbolic realm. Duara said, the evolution of symbols along a semantic chain. A symbol draw its power from its resonances in the culture, from the multiplicity of its often half-hidden meanings. But, I would like to point out that goddess is neither perfect nor multiplicity. Multiple images and multiple interpretations actually constitute a mutually shared subsystem, or say, a compensational system for the patriarchal society. Patriarchal society is in a continuous process with both inclusivity and exclusivity, goddess worship play a crucial role within this dynamic path. There are three aspects of this compensational system: lineage, community and state, each with a specific orientation as father-daughter axis, mother-son axis, and an idealized mother virtue attributed. This subsystem constitutes by two dimensions: achieving through relational actualization, and the imposition of patriarchal system. Different kinds of goddess posit distinctly within these two dimensions. This also frame a path for the developmental stages of female deities. Through historical archives and field materials, we can glimpse this process of gender Interlocution and efficacy performance for a female deity in a Chinese patriarchal society.


patriarchal society goddess folk religion Ma Tsu Kuan Yin efficacy


丁仁傑,2012,〈靈驗的顯現:由象徵結構到社會結盟,一個關於漢人民間信仰文化邏輯的理論性初探〉,《台灣社會學刊》,49,頁 47-101。
丁仁傑,2017,〈目連救母、妙善救父、哪吒大戰李靖:父系社會中兒子與女兒的主體性建構〉,《民俗曲藝》,198,頁 1-62。
