  • 期刊


Wind Energy Potential and Environmental Evaluation in Chiayi's Coastal Area


本研究使用地理資訊系統,評估嘉義沿海區域風力發電潛力與環境影響。結果顯示陸域風力發電潛力達每年164 GWh,佔當地2014年用電量的296%。水深20米以內離岸區域風力發電潛力達每年5176.8 GWh,佔全台2015年用電量的2.1%。陸上與離岸風力發電潛力佔整體風電潛力分別為3%與97%。考量2025年實現非核家園、目前國內供電較為吃緊的情況下,決策上宜考慮同時發展陸上與離岸風能,才能有效緩解供電壓力。涵蓋地方民眾參與投資風力發電計畫,將賣電所得回歸居民與農民,相較於目前使用的回饋金方式,更能獲得當地居民接受與支持風力發電計畫。


This study evaluated the potential of wind power and its environmental impacts in the coastal area of Chiayi using Geographic Information System. The results indicated that the amount of potential annual power generation achieved 164 GWh which would have accounted for 296% of local electricity demand in 2014. The offshore areas with a water depth less than 20 m have a potential annual electricity yield of 5176.8 GWh which accounted for 2.1% of total electricity demand of Taiwan in 2015. Land-based and offshore wind power have a share of potential electricity generation of 3% and 97%, respectively。Land-based and offshore wind energy should be developed simultaneously in order to effectively relieve the stress of electricity supply resulting from the implementation of non-nuclear policy. Involving local residents to invest in wind project and to acquire revenue from electricity sale would better acquire residents' acceptance and support for wind projects than paying feedback money by developer.
