  • 期刊


SERVQUAL Scale Measuring Service Satisfaction of Southern District Catholic Hospital




Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the SERVQUAL scale measuring patients' satisfaction of medical service offered by catholic hospital. Methods: It was performed by SERVQUAL scale in outpatient and inpatient of southern district catholic hospital, lasted from September 17 to 21, 2007. Results: Total questionnaires are 248, effective returned questionnaires are 164, the return rate is 66.13%. There is postive correlation and stability among the items of questionnaires. The satisfaction scores of patients above 60 years old is highest significantly. The overall average score is 6.11. Only one item's score is under 6.0, ”The hospital has thoroughly equipped with newly facilities.” However it is most concerned by the patients. Discussion: The hospital should enforce the improvements of all equipments and facilities, which is easily seen, perceived and unsatisfactory by the customs. Conclusions: The application of SERVQUAL scale can explore the satisfaction and needs of patients, improve the medical service in time and promptly and fulfill the mission of catholic hospital.


