  • 期刊

Non-traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in a Young Patient: A Case Report



Non-traumatic spinal cord injury (ntSCI) is supposed to occur in the elder, female and retired individuals but rare in the young men. We report a 40-year-old man with ntSCI bracketed with unexpected neurogenic shock. The patient visited the emergent department owing to fever and neck tightness on the 7th July, 2019. Under the diagnosis of right lower lobe pneumonia, he was admitted to the infection ward for empiric antibacterial therapy. Two days after admission, a catastrophic respiratory collapse associated with tetraplegia happened. Intubation was performed immediately and ventilation support was offered. Cervical MRI revealed C2,3,4,5,6,7 edematous cord with suspected intramedullary subarachnoid hemorrhage. Surgical intervention enrolled C2-7 laminectomy. Posterior neurologic decompression did achieve a little outcome including improved muscle power and respiratory failure let alone a major neurologic deficit. This study lends credence to support accurate diagnosis of ntSCI, and an optimal surgical management wound heads the patients to a better result in no time once the diagnosis of SCI was impressed.




非外傷性 神經減壓 脊髓損傷 脊髓休克
