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From Zhiyi's "Concentration on Phenomena and Concentration on Principle in One Mind" to Investigate Shengyen's "United-mind" and "No-mind"




事一心 理一心 統一心 無心 明心見性


This thesis bases on Ven. Zhiyi's "concentration on phenomena in one mind" and "concentration on principle in one mind" to investigate Ven. Shengyen's "united-mind" and "no-mind." In the method of mindfulness of Buddha in constantly walking samādhi, the similarities and differences between Ven. Zhiyi's "concentration on phenomena in one mind and concentration on principle in one mind" and Ven. Shengyen's "united-mind and no-mind" are discussed. The methodology of this thesis is textual, doctrinal, and historical analysis. Ven. Zhiyi's "concentration on phenomena in one mind" means that there is no second thought. Ven. Shengyen's "united-mind" means that the preceding thought and the following thought are united. This is the similarity of "concentration on phenomena in one mind" and "united-mind." In Ven. Zhiyi's Shi Chanboluomi Cidi Famen 釋禪波羅蜜次第法門, the first dhyāna, second dhyāna, third dhyāna and fourth dhyāna are connected to "one mind," which are related to "not scattered" and "still" mind. Ven. Shengyen's "united-mind" is in the process of enlightenment, which is the phase before "no-mind." As to "united-mind," it is related to enter concentration. This is the differences between these two. As to Ven. Zhiyi's "concentration on principle in one mind" and Ven. Shengyen's "no-mind," the similarity is both related to wisdom (prajñā). The differences as follow. Ven. Zhiyi's "concentration on principle in one mind," if not from the opinion of the Perfect Teaching (yuanjiao) 圓教, it means "the mind of Buddha realm." If from the viewpoint of the Perfect Teaching, it means "the mind of ten realm." Ven. Shengyen's "no-mind," according to the Separate Teaching (biejiao) 別教, the people of "no-mind" attain "the first to tenth of the resting-places 初住至十住," or "the first stage of the daśabhūmi 初地," who are in the stages of "seeing the true Way 見道." If from the opinion of the Perfect Teaching, "no-mind" is similar to the fourth "Identity of semblance 相似即" of the Six Identities to the Buddhahood (of Tiantai Teaching) (liu liujifo 六即佛).


西晉.無羅叉譯,《放光般若經》,CBETA, T8, no. 221。
後漢.支婁迦讖譯,《道行般若經》,CBETA, T8, no. 224。
後秦.鳩摩羅什譯,《小品般若波羅蜜經》,CBETA, T8, no. 227。
梁.曼陀羅仙譯,《文殊師利所說摩訶般若波羅蜜經》,CBETA, T8, no. 232。
後秦.鳩摩羅什譯,《金剛般若波羅蜜經》,CBETA, T8, no. 235。
