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A Few Examples of Buddhist Sanskrit sparśa-vihāra ( 觸住 / 觸安隱住 / 安樂住) Which Occur in the Context of Chinese Saṃyukta-āgama (T99, T100)


關於《雜阿含經》(簡稱《雜》)這類文本的「學派歸屬」問題,拙文的主要研究結果有如下3點:1.題相對於Hu-von Hinüber(2021)提出根本說一切有部律典之sparśa(vihāra)之「懺悔、設定大界等羯磨時之身心安怡狀態」之用例,拙文從玄奘漢譯《瑜伽師地論》sparśa-vihāra之A類、B類漢譯詞語境用例(§2),考察《雜》(T99)與《別譯雜》(T100)、對應的巴利語Nikāya經典的例,歸納為語境用例A類於食知量之「觸住/觸[當如是]住/觸安隱住」3筆(§3.1)、B類問安樂之「安樂住不?」9筆(§3.2),以及C類與解脫恐懼有關之「安隱住」3筆(§3.3)。2.從《雜》之A類「觸住/觸[當如是]住/觸安隱住」的漢譯語詞,可以推斷漢譯《雜》(T99)的印度原本的對應佛教梵語可能是sparśa-vihāra,此可支持Karashima(2020)、榎本(2001)認為漢譯《雜》(T99)歸屬根本說一切部的主張(§3.1.1)。3.假如《雜》(T99)之A類與B類的佛教梵語同是sparśa-vihāratā或對應巴利語phāsu-vihāra,為何B類漢譯是「安樂住」而A類漢譯是「觸住/觸[當如是]住/觸安隱住」?此或是《雜》B類「安樂住」之印度底本原語是sukha-saṃsparśa-vihāratāṃ或sukha-sparśa-vihāratā等可能性(§3.2.1-2)?或是《雜》(T99)受到之前約57筆B類語境之「安樂住」漢譯詞的影響(§3.2.3)?


The main research results of my article are as follows: 1. Hu-von Hinüber (2021) says "In the Poṣadhavastu of the Mūlasarvāstivādins there are two form-like phrases which clearly show that the term sparśa (vihāra) is used in the context of confession etc." My article starts from the examples of sparśa-vihāra which occur in the type A and type B contexts of the Yogācārabhūmi to investigate the examples in two Saṃyutāgama (T99, T100) and parallel Nikāya, and there are three examples of " 觸住 (chu-zhu) or 觸安隱住 (chu-anyin-zhu)" belonging to the type A related to the doctrine of moderation in food (§3.1), and nine examples of " 安樂住 (anle-zhu) " belonging to the type B related to the greetings of the happiness (§3.2), and thress examples of " 安隱住(anyin zhu)" belonging to the type C related to the liberation from fear (§3.3). 2. The corresponding Buddhist Sanskrit term of the Chinese transliteration type A " 觸住 (chu-zhu) or 觸安隱住 (chu-anyin-zhu)" of the underlying Indian text of the T99 maybe sparśa-vihāra, and this possibility lends support to Karashima (2020) and Enomoto's (2001) Mūlsarvāsti-vāda ascription of T 99 (§3.1.1). 3. The corresponding Buddhist Sanskrit form of the Chinese transliteration type B " 安樂住 (anle-zhu)" of the underlying Indian text of T99 maybe sparśa-vihāra, sukha-saṃsparśa-vihāratāṃ or sukha-sparśa-vihāratā etc. (§3.2.1-2). There are more than fifty-seven examples of " 安樂住" related to type B before T99; whether this situation affected T99 or not may also be worth pondering (§3.2.3).


AN: Anguttara Nikaya(《增支部》)。參考 Bodhi, Bhikkhu. The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Anguttara Nikaya. Boston, Massachusetts: Wisdom Publications, 2012. Kindle Edition.
D:《德格版》。其經論編號、函數依《德格版西藏大藏經(甘珠爾及丹珠爾)總目錄及索引》,頁 611-612。
DN: Dīgha Nikāya(《長部》)。參考 Walshe, Maurice. The Long Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Dīgha Nikāya. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 1996.
MN: Majjhima-nikāya(《中部》)。參考 Bodhi, Bhikkhu, and Bhikkhu, Ñāṇamoli. The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Majjhima Nikaya. Boston, Massachusetts: Wisdom Publications, 1995. Kindle Edition.
