  • 期刊


Post-Acute Care for a Severe COVID-19 Survivor in the Recovery Phase




We report our experience of providing post-acute care for a patient with severe COVID-19 who experienced acute respiratory distress syndrome and received tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation support. After being successfully weaned off the ventilator, he was transferred to a negative-pressure room in the quarantine ward for continuous care from April 6 to April 20, 2020. COVID-19 pneumonia had caused breathing insufficiency and functional decline. Uncertain disease progression and the negative outlook of society toward individuals with COVID-19 aggravated his anxiety. We identified four health problems through a therapeutic interview and physical assessment: infection, ineffective breathing pattern, activity intolerance, and poor individual coping. With the objective of enhancing activity endurance to improve self-care ability, we assisted the patient in functional rehabilitation toward recovery. Furthermore, we provided health education to improve understanding of COVID-19 and proactively contacted him through phone to alleviate his psychological distress. Based on our experience, we recommend multicenter collaboration and establishing a sharing platform to integrate real-time nursing experience of quarantine care in case of unprecedented emerging infectious diseases.
