  • 期刊


"A priori" and "Experience" in Wang Yangning's Theory of Liangzhi




王陽明 良知 先天 經驗 事件


In what sense is liangzhi (original knowledge of the good) a priori? Is liangzhi complete and perfect in itself in guiding moral actions? If not, how does liangzhi evolve by incorporating experience? In order to answer these questions, I examine two ambiguous terms, "xiantian" (a priori/inborn) and "experience," frequently used in the interpretations of Wang Yangming's ethics. Liangzhi as an ontological concept is a priori and is inborn in the theory of human nature, but is not perfect and complete in guiding actions in concrete ethical situations. I argue that modern commentators of Wang Yangming usually avoid using the term "experience" because their notion of "experience" is influenced by Kant's rather narrow and negative view of it. For them, experience means the totality of sense data, or second-hand knowledge, or worldly wisdom gained through the induction from past experience. I point out that there are two other senses of "experience" that are rather positive: experience as happening events, and experience as the process of trial and error. To expand the concept of experience, I borrow Jean-Luc Marion's notions of saturated phenomena and the ancient Greek notion of empeiria. Corresponding to these three senses of "experience, there are three modes in which liangzhi incorporates experience to develop itself and cope with ethical situations.


Wang Yangming liangzhi a priori experience event


