  • 期刊


Relationships among Taiwan Eco-Community Residents' Sustainable Tourism Development Attitude, Community Attachment and Environmental Responsible Behaviors




Sustainable tourism development is of great importance to the sustainability of ecological community tourism. Individuals (i.e. community residents) with close ties to the course of local development are key figures to the success of sustainable tourism development. The study discusses the relationship of mutual effect from sustainable tourism development, community attachment, and environmentally responsible behavior. With residents' community attachment, the role it played on the influence of sustainable tourism development and environmentally responsible behavior is also studied. This study uses purposive sampling in situ survey of 354 residents who most represent members of 5 eco-tourism communities in Taiwan. The results showed that attitudes of sustainable tourism development significantly affect community attachment and environmentally responsible behavior positively. The degree of residents' community attachment significantly affects environmentally responsible behavior positively. In addition, residents' attitude of sustainable tourism development indirectly affects the behavior via intermediary effect from "community attachment". Finally, strategic significance of sustainable tourism development, as well as suggestions of future study, are proposed based on the result of this study.


