  • 期刊


Radical Approach to Death Education and Research


本地教育圈裡常見死亡教育的論述多屬教材教法與課程設計的範疇,並根據問卷/量表的統計分析結果來討論死亡教育該做什麼、不該做什麼等等,本文認為這類論述顯然相當地浮面,亦瀰漫著一種過渡樂觀的色彩,以為新的教材就等同於提供解決問題的新教育法則,但對整個文化深層意涵卻一無所知。換句話說,這種主流量化的死亡教育論述仍停留在去脈絡化的狀態,沒有觸及死亡禁忌的深層意涵以及缺乏細節的討論。於是本文以基進觀點對死亡教育的文本/文脈進行重新檢視,認為解構與翻轉死亡禁忌與迷思並非透過幾個活動即可完成,並提出揭穿性的視覺來拆解死亡禁忌現象,這是透過揭露現象的反面,對視為理所當然的結果說不的基進作法。 本文主張基進取向的死亡教育或研究工作所要探討的是一個意向所指的世界,而不是由客觀事實自然形成的世界,因此,基進死亡教育的研究對象不是行為科學式的行為與態度,而是在現象學概念下的在事境中的行動。此外,本文認為基進死亡教育是在教育脈絡中針對死亡的相關現象進行問題陳顯,而並非設計一堆相關的教學活動,進行立即的問題解決,而死亡教育的課程是一個師生對話的工作坊,進行一場又一場不同生命經驗的對話,並重寫經驗、接受不同文本、意識形態觀點。


Many mainstream discourses in Taiwan's educational field tell us what to do and not to do in death education. However, these discourses do not discuss death education and research in its cultural context and mistakenly assume that the new death curriculum will solve all problems outside the cultural context. That is, mainstream death education and research is still at the stage of de-contextualization and lacks the meaning and detail contributed by the cultural context. This paper proposes a radical approach to death education and research using Peter Berger's term-the debunking angle of vision to de-construct the death myth. This means we have to reject taken-for-granted social phenomena and uncover the hidden in order to discover the plausibility structure of death. Therefore, this paper argues that a radical approach to death education and research must take into consideration an intentional world of death and focus on the situated action of actors, instead of on behavior and attitude as in positivist research. Moreover, the principles of death education should be problem-posing, not problem-solving. In other words, the death curriculum can be a dialogue workshop for teachers and students where they can share their real-world experiences, rewrite their experiences and learn to appreciate different viewpoints.


death education radical text/context
