  • 期刊


Residents and Visitors Perceptions and Impacts of the Development of the Festival Tourism-A Case Study of Penghu Marine Fireworks Festival


目前休閒、遊憩與觀光活動已是人們生活中不可或缺的一部份,然而,台灣地狹人稠,土地利用度過高,使得原本已稀少的天然觀光資源遭到嚴重的破壞,難以吸引觀光客的前來。所以,「節慶觀光」就成為台灣要發展觀光產業的最佳選擇。本研究特以2005年澎湖海上花火節慶典為研究主題,主要目的在探討花火節結合觀光活分析不同背景的當地居民與遊客產生的認知與衝擊程度差異性,更進一步了解發展之後所帶來的負面影響該如何解決。主要利用居民與遊客問卷調查方法及相關訪談者深度訪談法,了解其認知與衝擊程度。一共發出634份問卷回收625份,回收率為98.58%.。訪談學者專家、官員及居民與遊客代表共六位。問卷資料經SPSS 12.0版分析,訪談資料以質性分析後比較後得到研究結論如下:壹、對文化影響尚未深入。七成四的居民與遊客都同意繼續舉辦類似活動。貳、花火節活動本身對觀光是有益處的,對文化無負面衝擊。參、研究發現不同背景對效益認知項目了解度差異性較大的有對休閒產業有幫助、創造商機、提高居民與遊客收入與提高觀光景點知名度。肆、研究發現不同背景對衝擊認知項目了解度差異性較大的有海域生態、安寧、環境衛生。伍、根據問卷資料與專家訪談結果其相同處,效益方面最主要為提升觀光景點知名度與對休閒產業有幫助;衝擊方面最主要為機票訂位。相反的問卷資料與專家訪談結果其相異處,效益方面為使當地居民與遊客多了一項活動;衝擊方面為出現了供需問題與承載量問題。依研究結果提供具體建議提供政府部門參考。


Due to the highly density of population within a small area and over use of the land in Taiwan, the rare natural tourism resources have been damaged seriously and became less attractive to tourists. Consequently, festivals are the newly emerged form of alternative tourism in Taiwan. The purpose of this study were to examine the residents' and visitors' perceptions and impacts of Penghu Marine Fireworks Festival in 2005 base on their various demographic characteristic backgrounds and to find the solution of negatives effects on developing festival tourism. In order to understand the differences of perceptions and impacts, a questionnaire was developed, as well as the in-depth interview was employed to collect data for this study. Survey participants were 625 residents and visitors in Penghu. (A total of 634 questionnaires were returned, 625 within them were valid.) The response rate was 98.58%.The SPSS 12.0 was run as research tool. The statistic method was using frequency analysis, t-test, ANOVA, and descriptive statistics i.e. The study results indicated, 74% of the respondents agreed that Penghu Marine Fireworks Festival can be hold as a routine tourist event. The main purpose of Penghu Marine Fireworks Festival is to attract more tourists. The festival can be of particular benefit for developing local tourism. However, there was no direct impact showed to the culture effect. The results implied that there were significantly different perceptions found among <||>help the leisure industry,<||> <||>create more businesses,<||> <||>increase residents' incomes,<||> and <||>raise the popularity of tourist attractions<||> based on the participants’ demographic characteristics. Three significantly different impact items found in this study were <||>ocean ecosystem,<||> <||>peaceful society,<||> and <||>environmental sanitation<||> based on the participants' demographic characteristics. According to the data analysis, the same results drew from the survey and the in-depth interview were: (1) Penghu Marine Fireworks Festival was mainly beneficial on raising the popularity of tourist attractions and helping the leisure industry. (2) The significant impact of the event was the reservation of the air tickets. On the other hand, the different results showed between the survey and the in-depth interview were: (1) Penghu Marine Fireworks Festival offers residents more options of leisure activities. (2) The impacts of recreational carrying capacity due to the event. Based on the findings and a comprehensive discussion of this study, some advises for related organization and future research were offered.


