  • 期刊


The Study between Employment Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in International Tourism Restaurant


世界觀光旅遊委員會預估至2008年,全球觀光旅遊收益將達三兆多億美元,觀光旅遊就業人口更可達二億多萬人次;「觀光」將成為台灣與世界接軌的重要產業之一。自從台灣加入世界貿易組織(WTO),全球化的衝擊日益劇烈,而台灣的國際級觀光飯店亦面臨了強大的競爭壓力,顧客滿意儼然成了企業生存的關鍵任務。本研究以Parasuraman,Zeithmal and Berry等三位學者所提出之「服務品質模式」與SERVQUAL量表為架構,並以觀光飯店之員工與顧客為研究對象,透過描述性統計、因素分析、信度分析及無母數檢定等統計方法進行資料分析與處理,加以探討員工與顧客對於服務品質滿意度之差異性,及暸解人口統計變相是否會影響其服務品質滿意度。研究結果如下:(一)員工不同的人口統計變項於服務品質滿意度上有顯著差異性存在。(二)顧客不同之人口統計變項於服務品質滿意度上有顯著差異性存在。(三)員工對於付出的服務品質滿意度與顧客所感受到的服務品質滿意度有顯著差異。(四)員工滿意度對顧客滿意度有顯著正向影響。


”World Travel and Tourism Council(WTTC)” predicted world tourism revenues would achieve $10000 billion US dollars in 2008. The travel and tourism related jobs would be million units worldwide. The travel & tourism industry play a significant role in world economic development from the past to future. Since Taiwan became a member of the world-Trade Organization (WTO). It made Taiwan more internationalized and globalized. It also took international tourist hotels in Taiwan to a more competitive situation. Customers' satisfactions become the crucial task to survive. The research objectives for this study were customers and employees in tourism hotels. This study aimed to examine the difference in the satisfaction degree of service quality between employees and customers, and to analyze if demographic factors would affect the satisfaction degree of service quality. This study was based on the ”A Conceptual Model of Service Quality” and SERVQUAL (SERVICE QUALITY) instrument proposed by Parasuraman, Zeithmal, and Barry, L. L (1985). The researchers applied descriptive statistics analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis and nonparametric test statistics to analyze and process the data. Main research results were:1 .There were significant differences between demographics factors and satisfaction degree of service quality among different employees.2. There were significant differences between demographics factor and satisfaction degree of service quality among different customers.3. There were significant differences on satisfaction degree of service quality between employees and customers.4. Customer satisfaction exist positive effect employment satisfaction significantly.
