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The Imbalance Filmic Text: Analyzing the Quotation, Ellipsis, Interruption, Rapture and Syncope in Wong Karwai's "I Travelled 9000 km to Give It to You"




引用 省略 中斷 斷裂 刪扣 高達 王家衛 連續性 不連續性 剪接 片段 重複 失衡 電影書寫 交疊 互搭


This paper aims to discuss the following two phenomena in Wong Kar-wai's "I Travelled 9000 km To Give It To You": first, by examining the quotation of Godard's film in "I Travelled 9000 km To Give It To You", this paper analyzes how the text of others grafts into the text of "my," and how Cinema confronts the heterogeneous voices from other places? Secondly, this paper seeks to establish the aesthetic from the film's fragmentary editing, temporal and narrative uncertainty, and excessive ellipses. Are they the results of interruptions between shots? Or they are deliberately arranged raptures. Does Wong Kar-wai, form the uses of ellipsis, interruption, and rapture, open up a new possible form of editing-the syncope editing? By adopting film theories and contemporary thoughts as a footstone for film textual analysis, the main purpose of this paper is to discover a new path for aesthetics of Cinema through the close examination of the quotation, ellipsis, interruption, rapture, and syncope in Wong Kar-wai's "I Travelled 9000 km To Give It To You".


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