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The Relationships among Goal Orientations, Self-regulated Learning Strategies and English Reading Achievement of College Students




This study explored the relationships among EFL college students' patterns of goal orientations, self-regulated learning and English reading achievement. The survey data were collected from 630 college students. Two-step hierarchical clustering analysis was applied to differentiate the goal orientations that students held on studying English reading. The result indicated that there were four different patterns of goal orientations. Students in pattern one, who held high mastery/ intermediate high approach-performance/low avoidance-performance goal orientations, were labeled ”excellent learners”. Students in pattern two, we held intermediate high mastery/high approach-performance/ intermediate avoidance-performance goal orientations ,were labeled ”good performance efforts learners”. Students in pattern three, who held intermediate mastery/low approach-performance / intermediate avoidance-performance goal orientations, were labeled ”mediocre learners”. Students in pattern four, who held low mastery/intermediate approach-performance/high avoidance-performance goal orientations, were labeled ”inferior learners”. In case of English reading achievement, excellent learners performed better than the other three patterns' students, and good performance effect learners and mediocre learners performed better than inferior learners. Considering the application of self-regulated learning strategies, excellent learners and good performance effects learners were superior to mediocre and inferior learners. Mediocre learners were superior to the inferior learners in self-efficacy and volition control. Mastery goal orientation, self-efficacy and adjustment strategies could positively predict students' English reading achieve-ment, and avoidance-performance goal orientation and seeking help could negatively predict students' English reading achievement. In line with these findings, suggestions for college EFL reading pedagogy are proposed.
