  • 期刊


Effects of Aromatherapy on Sleep Quality for the Middle-aged and Elderly in the Community




Physical and mental health issues in the age of the elderly become the main issue. Through effective aromatherapy, assist the middle-aged and elderly in the community to improve sleep quality is the most important physical and mental health issue for the middle-aged and elderly. This study aims to explore the sleep quality of the middle-aged and elderly in the community. Experimental research on aromatherapy is used to explore the effects of aromatherapy on sleep quality in middle-aged and elderly in the community. The purpose of the study was to explore the effect of aromatherapy on the sleep quality of elderly people in the community. In order to achieve the above purpose, this study focuses on the middle-aged and elderly over 55 years old in the community as the research object. The experimental method was designed for different groups before and after the test. The groups were divided into four groups: experimental group A group (intervention compound essential oil massage plus sniffing), group B (compound essential oil massage), group C (compound essential oil sniffing), and group D (pure base oil massage), and the control group E group (without any aromatherapy intervention), to explore the effects of aromatherapy on sleep quality in the middle-aged and elderly in the community. In this study, we compiled the "Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Scale" to collect data. The data obtained are based on descriptive statistics and paired sample t-test analysis. The research results obtained are: The use of aromatherapy can promote and improve the "sleep quality" of the elderly in the community. The research results of aromatherapy experiment in this research can be provided to the home application of the elderly in the community and community care bases planning health promotion courses for the elderly and practical application reference for lecturers of social welfare group health promotion courses.


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