  • 期刊


What Do Preservice Teachers Think about Laboratory Instruction


本研究的目的,旨在探討十位職前物理教師對於實驗教學的認知。在一門有關實驗教學策略的教學實習課程中,十位職前教師歷經實驗教學的試教、白我評鑑、操作實驗、集體討論等教學活動,發現他們對於國中實驗教學功能的見解、進行實驗教學活動的選擇與準備時的想法與決定,皆是本研究所欲探討的重點。 本研究利用質的研究法進行資料的收集與分析。資料的分析過程中,採三角交叉法,並以經由自我評鑑、問卷、面談、集體討論所得的資料,交互審核,以提高研究的效度。為能降低研究者的偏見及防止遺漏存在的型式,對於個別分析所得的資料,在最後階段,並與另一位研究者相互討論與確認。 研究結果發現,職前物理教師對於實驗教學的認知,呈現明顯的分佈型態。對於國中實驗教學重要性的看法計有,視實驗教學為輔助概念的學習方式,科學過程技能及思考能力的培養與訓練等。有關實驗活動的選擇與決定,則深受授課時間、實驗器材及教科書的內容等因素的影響。對於探究式實驗的進行,一方面肯定它的價值,然而,卻又認爲國中生的程度大多不適合進行探究式實驗。甚且,職前教師對於實驗教學活動情境的未知狀況,多無法預期與掌握,甚而僅是依賴自己的學習經驗及教科書,以進行實驗教學的準備。 綜合而言,職前教師對於實驗教學的認知仍停止於理論化的層面,而少涉及於實驗教學情境的了解,為培育科學教師實驗教學能力,除了教師自身的努力之外,提供在職教師進修機會,精鍊實驗教學能力,應屬可行的途徑。




The purpose of this research was to examine science preservice teachers' conceptions of laboratory instruction such as, the goal of lab, and the selection, and organization of instructional activities. The sample was 10 preservice physics teachers (6 female, 4 male) completingt heir final year of teacher preparation. Each of the preservice teachers was asked to plan and present two laboratory activities during the first and the last two weeks of the Fall semester. These activities was observed (and videotaped) by the professor who was also a researcher and written feedback was provided. Following the completion of the laboratory lesson, each preservice teacher completed a questionnaire, a self-critique, and a 40 minute follow-up interview. Between these two labs, the preservice teachers were provided with formal instruction on the planning and implementation of laboratory activities. Qualitative analyses revealed obvious patterns of conceptions among preservice teachers. The importance of laboratory was viewed as an aid to help students learn science, provide students opportunities to develop process skills, and training of thinking skills. However, the decision of selecting the laboratory approach was limited by available time, inadequate equipment/materials, and content of textbook. Further, the preservice teachers tended to view junior high physical science laboratory activities as so easy they did not necessitate trying out procedures prior to class. But, during the interviews, these preservice teachers admitted that laboratory teaching is very different from lecturing. Teachers felt that they lost control of students during labs. Prior research strongly supports the notion that preservice teachers focus primarily on classroom management and the results of this investigation clearly show how such concerns for ”survival” serve to compromise practical instruction and the teachers' beliefs.




