  • 期刊


Discussion about the Imagery of Poplar and Willow and Its Historical Background from a Cultural Perspective




文化觀點 意象 歷史背景


Poplars and willows always came together in a Chinese phrase in the past while this phrase mostly referred to willow instead of poplars. Botanically, poplars and willows belong to the same family but different genera. Poplars or poplars and willows often represented willows in classic Chinese poetry; also poplars flowers mostly referred to willows catkins. Plants belong to the genus Salix within the family Salicaceae are easily grown and fast-growing. It feels relaxed to have a rest under the shade of willows and willows can also make the environment greener. The branch of willows can be used to make baskets, and the trunk of willows can be firewood. Furthermore, the root of willows can enhance the stability of the riverbank so willows are widely planted outside and inside the Great Wall. Willows on both sides of the road or willows shade covering the road are commonly seen. In addition to its functions, willows are taken as something that can ward off evils in folk custom so people plant willows and wear willow-made things as a convention. Spiritually, breaking a branch of willows represents farewell and memory. The Willow Shooting Contest was a game widely played in the army while the soft and weeping appearance of willows as well as their easily-growing characteristic leads to many relevant descriptions, metaphors and similes. Ancient people often made the trunks of poplars into containers while such plans have also been widely seen on the sidewalks in the central northern parts of China. With larger leaves and strong branches, poplars make sounds when blown by the wind; furthermore, the desolate and bleak feeling it represents when leaves fall has often been described in poetries to present similar atmosphere. Based on poets' observation and the cultures and customs of China, these descriptions have become common rhetoric in literary works, representing a type of metaphor, simile and symbol. Therefore, having a clear understanding of the differences between the words ”poplars” and ”willows”, the way of planting them, relevant customs and cultures as well as the atmosphere presented by these 2 plants enables people to understand the imagery described through these plants in literary works.


