  • 期刊


Measurement and Analysis of Child Well-being in Primary School




兒童福祉 攝影 兒童觀點


The indexes of economic growth (GNP and GDP per capita) cannot reflect totally the substantial well-being of people, and the alternative indexes are necessitated. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) was adopted by the United Nations in 1989 which epitomized the centrality of wellbeing in the lives of children. Our understanding of children's wellbeing are usually constructed by adults, rather than expressed directly by children's own perspectives. The purpose of this paper is to understand children's well-being from where they stand, starts from involving children as participants and is driven by their experiences and opinions. Children aged 10 years took photographs and drew pictures representing wellbeing, defined as ”feeling good, being happy, and able to live your life to the full.” Another panel of 3 children grouped the photographs and pictures into categories, then organizing these categories, schematizing the pattern of relationships among these categories and constructing model of well-being. Our main Findings are summaried as follows (1) A total of 340 photographs and cards were collected. 39 categories and 15 components have been constructed. (2) Daily facilities, food and amusement are major components of children's well-being. (3) Children's well-being from children's perspectives and understandings are distinct from adults'. (4) When their life experiences get richer and more concrete, children can percept more easily the connection between life experiences and the conception of self wellbeing. (5)The components which constructed children's wel1-being are Distinction of importance, sequence and influence.6.The findings in this paper show that how and what children express and construct their own perspectives on wellbeing. The research outcomes will be the suggestions for the future relevant researches and social welfare policy designs.


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內政部兒童局( 2008 ) 。《我國兒童人權報告書》。兒童局網頁(http://www.cbi.gov.tw/CBI_2/internet/main/index.aspx)。
時報資訊( 2010 ) 。《DE BEERS 5 克拉以上大鑽銷售,臺灣去年仍蟬聯全球第一》。Yahoo! 奇摩股市網頁http://tw.stock.yahoo.com/news_content/url/d/a/100408/3/1yvh3.html)。


