  • 期刊


A Study on the Recovery Process of People Beginning in Drug Use during Adolescence




少年 藥物濫用 復元歷程


In the past few years, the number of adolescent drug abusers has increased sharply and became a serious problem. Although some research had explored related issues, most focused on prevention rather than recovery. To better understand the process of recovery, this study attempted to examine the experience of those who used drugs in adolescence, tried to understand their motivation for not using drugs, and factors facilitating their recovery. The study used a qualitative research design and conducted in-depth interviews with 5 individuals who had a history of drug use during adolescence, and has recovered for at least 6 months. Research findings indicated that their motivation to change happened during critical events, such as being prisoned, or after a serious car accident. These events were defined as a turning point for recovery. In general, there were 5 stages in their recovery process, including: a turning point, an abstinence of physical addition (the transitional period), determination, psychological and social recovery, and finally, the continued abstinence. The study also examined the facilitating factors during their recovery process. These included religion, support from family members and friends, going back to school, or being employed. Based on these results, the study suggests that professionals working with young drug users should start with building up a non-authoritarian relationship and be a friend to them. Moreover, they should also work closely with other professionals to create a supportive environment for these young drug users. Furthermore, an integrated service system from family, school and community should be established to better assist their recovery.


adolescence drug use recovery process


余育斌、許華孚(2005)。〈藥物濫用少年與其社會網絡之互動要素分析:以明陽中學收容少年為例〉,《犯罪學期刊》,第 8 卷第 1期,頁 65-97。
宋麗玉、施教裕(2010)。〈復元與優勢觀點之理論內涵與實踐成效:臺灣經驗之呈現〉,《社會科學論叢》,第 4 卷第 2 期,頁2-34。
