  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on the Construction of Practice Supervision Standards in Protective Social Work




Over the past few decades, a trend of relying on the external supervision provided in protective social work has been observed. Professional supervision is often sourced externally through a private arrangement or contracted out by agencies or individual practitioners of supervision. However, research investigating the quality and efficiency of professional supervision within agencies is rare. This study examined the practice standards for protective social work supervisors. In the first stage, 20 experienced social workers and supervisors of protective social work were invited to participate this study. Two focus groups were created, and all participants in the study followed the practice standards of professional supervision. In the second stage, two stages of Delphi surveys were completed by 10 experts in protective social work. Finally, the 10 senior experienced social workers and supervisors of protective social work presented the practice standards and practical duties of protective social work supervision. As a significant site of practice, critically informed practice standards have the potential to emerge as a site for modeling social change strategies associated with the tradition of critical supervision. Future research is recommended to include participants from protective agencies or even evaluate the effectiveness of practice standards or challenges in their implementation.


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