  • 期刊


The Observation and Province of the Three Hundred Years of the Piano


「鋼琴」於1709年由義大利佛羅倫斯的克里斯多佛利成功製造出,2009年的今天,是它的300歲生日。300年間,鋼琴從薄弱軀殼發展到今日的樂器之王,「鋼琴演奏」擁有了它特有的美學觀和表演形式,成為一門獨立的藝術。蓋括說來,鋼琴演奏藝術史是由人、琴和樂3個方面構成。這3者既有各自的演進過程,又在歷史的發展中形成了相輔相成、交匯融合的密切關係。21世紀的今天,因為聲光科技的發達,音樂廳中的觀眾呈現逐漸遞減的現象。為了吸引觀眾,年輕演奏家嘗試在音樂會中加入千奇百怪的視覺效果,或在獨奏會中以炫技刺激取勝;面對老一輩鋼琴家的凋零,中生代鋼琴家的徬徨,新一代習樂者將何去何從? 鋼琴演奏者一代換一代,每個時代的鋼琴家都有他們執著的表現方式,從18世紀末到今天,鋼琴家有如過江之鯽,本文只就部份舉足輕重之鋼琴家進行描述,以瞭解現今鋼琴演奏藝術走過之路,並以「鋼琴發展三百年」作文本,從人文的角度觀察鋼琴演奏在諸多變革中隱藏的現象與原則,由此省思其在未來可能的走向。 本文以「鋼琴發展三百年」及「鋼琴三百年的觀察與省思」兩部份進行論述,前者從鋼琴的誕生與發展、鋼琴演奏的起始、公眾音樂會的出現與內容、鋼琴獨奏會的出現和鋼琴音樂的詮釋者等5個方面做蓋闊性講述,後者以觀察及對未來的省思作為對前述之回應。


”The piano” was built successfully by Bartolomeo Cristofori of Florence Italy in 1709. Today, the year of 2009, is just its 300th birthday. During three hundred years, the piano has developed from the fragile body to today's king of music instruments. ”The piano performance” with its unique view of esthetics and style of performance has become an independent art. Generally speaking, the art history of piano performance is composed with three parts: human, piano, and music. These three parts have respective evolution process, and have formed a blending relationship of complementing one another in the historical development. Today, in the 21st century, due to the development of acousto-optic science and technology, the number of audience in the music hall has slowly decreased. In order to attract the audience, young performers try to add all sorts of strange and unusual visual effect into their concerts, or they perform with dazzling technique in their recitals. Which direction should the new generation of music learner go when the old generation is on the wane and the middle generation of pianist is walking back and forth? Generations to generations, the pianists in every generation have their own dedicated performance style. From the end of the 18th century to today, there have been many pianists. This article only focuses on the pianists who have played a decisive role to understand the road that the piano performance art has taken; also, in order to consider the possible direction which piano performance may take in the future, this article bases on ”the three hundred years of piano development” and observes the hidden phenomenon and principles of many transformations of piano performance with humanities angle. This article narrates through the two parts which are ”The three hundred years of piano development” and ”The observation and province of the three hundred years of piano”. The first part elaborates in five aspects such as the birth and development of the piano, early piano performers, public concerts, piano recitals, and the piano interpreter. The second part responses to the first part through the observation and province of the future.


Piano Pianist Piano performance Keyboard instrument Recital


