  • 學位論文


A Research on Junior High School Teachers’ Perceptions and Expectations on the Role of School Counselors

指導教授 : 林清文


本研究旨在了解國中教師對專任輔導教師角色知覺與角色期望的現況,並探討國中教師對專任輔導教師的角色知覺與角色期望間是否有相關。為達本研究之研究目的,首先透過文獻探討,建立研究之整體架構,繼而發展「國中教師對專任輔導教師角色知覺與角色期望之調查量表」為研究工具,藉此進行資料蒐集。研究以103學年度台灣公立國民中學(含完全中學)之教師為對象,採便利抽樣之方式,共取得373位國中教師為研究樣本。調查資料所得以SPSS 20.0版統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、成對樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法處理,本研究發現如下: 一、 國中教師對專任輔導教師在「專業成長」的角色知覺與角色期望認同程度皆為最高,而在「協助行政」的角色知覺與角色期望認同程度皆為最低。 二、 國中教師對專任輔導教師的角色知覺因「性別」、「教師年資」、「現職職務」、「專業背景」、「學校規模」的差異而有所不同。 三、 國中教師對專任輔導教師的角色期望因「性別」、「現職職務」、「專業背景」、「學校規模」的差異而有所不同。 四、 國中教師對專任輔導教師的角色知覺和角色期望有差距,國中教師對專任輔導教師的角色期望高於角色知覺。 五、 國中教師對專任輔導教師的角色知覺與角色期望正相關。 最後針對研究發現與結論,分別就專任輔導教師、學校、學校行政單位、教育行政機關及後續研究者提出建議事項,俾供參考。


The purpose of this research is to look into junior high school teachers’ perceptions and expectations on the role of school counselors, and determine if their perceptions and expectations are correlated. For that purpose, the research is first conducted through a literature review in order to build a research framework and adopts a “Scale on Junior High School Teachers’ Perceptions and Expectations on the Role of School Counselors” as an instrument for data collection. A total of 373 junior high school teachers have been surveyed in the research. The data are analyzed with descriptive statistic method , t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-Moment correlation. The findings of this research are listed as follows: 1. Junior high school teachers’ perceptions and expectations on the role of school counselors are the highest on the item of “professional growth,” but the lowest on “administrative assistance.” 2. Junior high school teachers’ perceptions on the role of school counselors are various on such items as “gender,” “length of service.” “current position,” “professional background,” and “school size.” 3. Junior high school teachers’ expectations on the role of school counselors are various on such items as “gender,” “current position,” “professional background,” and “school size. 4. There exists a gap between junior high school teachers’ perceptions and expectations. Junior high school teachers’ expectations are higher than their perceptions on the role of school counselors. 5. There exists a positive correlation between junior high school teachers’ expectations and perceptions on the role of school counselors. Finally, recommendations are made for school counselors, schools, school administration, education administration and follow-up researchers for reference.


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