  • 學位論文


R&D of Information Services Industry and Firm Performance-The Moderating Effects of Internationalization

指導教授 : 何志峰


綜觀過去的研究,研究發展活動對企業績效之影響並不十分肯定,本研究以「資源基礎觀點」(Resource-Based View)切入,使用金融海嘯後(2008年至2012年) 47家資訊服務業廠商為研究樣本,探討1.研究發展活動對企業績效之影響,同時以「國際生產折衷理論」(Eclectic paradigm of international production)為輔,探討2.廠商國際化程度,是否會調節研究發展活動對企業績效之影響。研究之迴歸分析結果發現(1)研究發展活動對於企業績效有顯著影響,有正有負,但僅止於某些變數、(2)國際化程度部份調節上述影響。本研究的貢獻在於為研究發展活動對企業績效之關係拼上一小塊拼圖,並建議企業在進行研究發展活動時不可忽略國際化策略思考的重要性。


In the past, there was no certain conclusion for whether or not firms’ R&D activities have better performance. Here, we were trying to know 1) the relationship between R&D activities and firm performance based on the resource-based view. And we also wanted to understand 2) the moderating effects of the level of internationalization based on the eclectic paradigm of international production. The data of 47 Taiwan-based Information Services firms from 2008 to 2012 after financial crisis were collected and integrated as the empirical base for testing the hypotheses. Our regressions showed us two main results. First, due to a variety of variables, there were positive and negative relationships between R&D activities and firm performance. Second, the level of internationalization partly moderated the relationship between R&D activities and firm performance. Therefore, firms should consider the importance of the strategies for internationalization while doing R&D activities.


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