  • 學位論文


A Research of the International Perspectives of Teachers of Elementary Schools in Large Taichung City

指導教授 : 戴劍鋒


本研究旨在瞭解大臺中市之國小教師之人口變項與國際化背景對國際觀之影響。再依據研究目的,蒐集分析相關文獻,採用改編之「國際觀量表」為研究工具,以大臺中市229所市立國民小學教師為研究對象。總計寄發量表500份,回收有效樣本459份,回收率91.8%。採用描述性統計、卡方考驗、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及Scheffe 事後比較等統計方法分析資料,本研究結論如下: 一、「國際思維與行動」與「跨文化的認知」構面表現較優於「國際關係理 解」構面及「個人國際經驗」,顯示大臺中市國小教師對於「個人國際 經驗」接觸面尚有向上提升的空間;亦說明大臺中市國小教師對「跨文 化的認知」構面較有興趣。 二、人口變項中的性別、服務年資、服務學校區域、教學領域、是否擔任行 政職務對國際化背景有顯著影響。 三、國際化背景對「個人國際體驗」、「國際思維與行動」呈現顯著相關與 影響,較具預測能力。 本研究建議教育主管機關多辦理國小國際交流活動,增加國小教師海外學習機會並建議教師應加強閱讀國際新聞報導及評論,增加閱讀國外書籍,不論中文或外文,由期刊網路蒐集新的國際新聞,增廣自己的見識,關心世界情勢發展。 關鍵詞:國小教師、國際觀、國際化、國際教育、國際化背景、大臺中市


This research is for the purpose of understanding internationalization background and the international perspectives of teachers of elementary schools in Large Taichung city. Based on the research goal, the collection and analysis related literature, uses “ the international perspectives scale” as a study tool, take teachers of 229 elementary schools in Large Taichung City as objects of study. In total , 500 sample mails were delivered and received 459 effective samples in return., the returns-ratio 91.8%. Descriptive statistics, chi-square test, t- test, one-way ANOVA and Scheffe post hoc comparison method of analysis and other statistical information .Conclusions of this study are as follows: First, the "international thinking and action" and "cross-cultural awareness" dimension better than 'understanding of international relations. For "personal international experience" dimension, it reveals elementary school teachers need to improve; also shows elementary school teachers on "cross-cultural" dimension more interested. Second, the demographic variables of gender, years of service, service area schools, teaching areas, administrative duties ,on the international background have a significant effect.Third, international background of the individual international experience, international thinking and action showed significant correlation with the impact, the more pre-measurement capability. This study suggested that the Education authorities held more international exchange activities for elementary school teachers and increase learning opportunities abroad , and that teachers should be strengthened international news reports and read reviews, read foreign books increased, to broaden their knowledge, concern for the development of the world situation. key-word:elementary school teacher、 international perspectives、internationalization、 international education、international background、 large Taichung city


王惜民(2006)。 英語學習動機與當代台灣社會情境之個案研究 。朝陽科技大學 應用外語研究所出版碩士論文。
