  • 學位論文


Create Women Bra example for Funtion Design ―Analysis Bra bewtween Chinese and Western Countries

指導教授 : 李偉臣


1995年聯合國發展委員會(United Nations Development Programme,UNDP)公佈的性別權力測度(Gender mpowerment Measure,GEM)中顯示女性在政治與經濟影響力的重要性,而全球由「女力」崛起所創造的美學經濟,更是不容小覷,女性逐漸攻佔權力與財富的高峰,隱然是新一波的全球運動。 在這個重視健康與美麗的社會,天性愛美的女性無所不用其極,張顯自己的體態,無論是西醫的臨床量化論或是中醫的陰陽五行論,在追求「世上沒有醜女人,只有懶女人」的世代裡,女性所追求的美,不僅只是外型上,更是要將其內化至神形合一,肉體上的美與心靈上的美必須完美結合,達到天人合一的自然和諧美學。 在女性身體外形上,胸部是健美造型的必要條件,其中胸罩與乳房的關係最為密切,研究者在探究胸罩時意外發現,中國式肚兜與西方馬甲有著南轅北轍的差異,並在兩個國度裡行之多年,遂引發研究者想探討兩者間的區別與影響,在研究過程中發現兩者的胸罩結構對於乳房有著不一樣的原理,本研究並取兩者對於乳房的優點,透過中醫與西醫的交叉病學理論分析乳房後,證實按摩乳房可以有效刺激乳腺,並疏通乳周淋巴,達到降低胸部病變的機率,因此將其按摩乳房之原理運用於女性胸罩結構上的改良設計,以披掛式肩帶觸動乳尖點活片使之按摩,再以W形3D記憶鋼圈雕塑胸型,希望本研究設計能對女性的美學經濟市場建立典範,讓女性不僅穿出美感也能穿出健康。


In 1995, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) was publish the Gender mpowerment Measure (GEM) says that the Female is strong enough to effect economic or Political, also no one can’t ignore the global Female power is strongly increase to creating Esthetics Marketing, Global nvironment also shows that Female is getting more rich and more power in the society. Moreover the environment are become health and pretty carefulness at moment, the Female instincts will try the best to prove their beautiful body and breast are the most impotant in health type of build. Therefore, in this assessment will analyze how to modification Female breast disease and the problem on the health protection. The hypothesis are been development on the Female Bra design after examine by Chinese and Western Medical theory analysis. Hope these design could bring benefit of Female Esthetics Marketing and construction a sample for Female wearing on beauty and healthy.


(一) 學位論文
1. 李玉婷(2005),〈問題意識〉《既私密又公開的柔順身體—女性穿著胸罩的教導實踐》(碩士論文),臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統,(索書號540 003M 94-10)。
2. 李偉臣(2003),〈結論〉《奈米科技女性內衣商品之消費屬性偏好研究》(碩士論文),國立高雄第一科技大學,高雄市。
3. 柯芷稜(2009)。《不同胸罩支撐型式對呼吸功能和攝氧峰值測量的影響》(碩士論文)。取自臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統,(索書號528.9 026M 98-5)。
