  • 學位論文

消費者選擇購物地點之偏好研究 -以量販店與超級市場為例

Study of Consumer’s Preference for Shopping Site Locations﹕Cases of Hypermarkets and Supermarkets

指導教授 : 林玲圓


台灣零售業的賣場愈來愈多,再加上土地取得以及相關法規等因素,所以賣場與賣場之間往往會有群聚的現象,目前面臨最大的問題在於競爭環境過於激烈;台灣在這麼小的地方尌擁有100多家的量販店、1,000多家的超級市場,因此本研究選擇台灣賣場店數較多的前三大量販店(家樂福、大潤發、愛買)與台灣前三大店數較多的超級市場(全聯、頂好、美聯社)為主要的研究賣場。 本文之目的係由消費者之觀點探討其選擇量販店或超級市場之偏好選擇,其選擇量販店或超級市場之決策行為,同時以二元羅吉特模式實證分析消費者在選擇量販店或超級市場偏好的重要決策因素。研究結果顯示生活型態與環境舒適對消費者選擇量販店或超級市場具有顯著影響力,而服務特質、廣告與促銷是較無相關性的。


With the increase of retail chain stores, the change of land acquisition regulations, and other factors in recent years, the stores and shopping centers often clustered together in Taiwan. This leads to the keen competition among shopping centers. There are more than one hundred hypermarkets and one thousand supermarkets that crowd in Taiwan. This study targets at the largest 3 hypermarkets (Carrefour, RT-Mart, Fe-geant) and supermarkets (Pxmart, Wellcome, and Simplemart) for this investigation. The aim of this paper is to explore the consumer’s preference mode for choosing a hypermarket or supermarket in Taiwan. Moreover, by the empirical analysis based on binary logit models, this paper explores the decision-making behavior of a consumer while choosing between a hypermarket or a supermarket. The result showed that lifestyle and shopping environment are the two key factors that affect a consumer’s selection between hypermarkets and supermarkets. Meanwhile, service quality, advertisement and promotions are minor factors with no significant relevance to consumer’s preference.


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2. 超市/量販店年鑑,零售市場雜誌社,台北,民國九十四年。
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4. 林晏州,戶外遊憩研究,遊憩區選擇行為之研究-敘述偏好模式之應用,13(1),民國89年。
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