  • 學位論文


The Study of the Impacts of Korean Dramas on Travel Agency Regarding on the Program Design Model

指導教授 : 黃榮鵬


近年來,受到韓劇的影響,不僅開啟一股哈韓的風潮,韓流文化市場也逐漸崛起,透過韓劇行銷當地的著名景點,產生以戲劇引領觀光的主題旅遊,而台灣每年到韓國旅遊的人數更是日益增加,旅行業者也搶搭這股熱潮,紛紛推出各種加入韓劇景點的套裝行程來吸引顧客,本研究將從業者角度來分析韓流產生的觀光效益。 本研究旨在探討韓流影響旅行業產品行程設計模式,運用質性研究法蒐集資料並使用專家深度訪談與德爾菲法,發展出主要的三大構面,分別為韓流影響旅行業「經營動機」與產品行程設計時所「考量因素」及產品經營的「績效指標」,並於半結構式問卷上增加產品設計未來發展趨勢,徵詢專家對於產品日後設計發展提供見解與建議。 研究結果顯示除一般行程設計所需具備的基礎條件因素外,韓劇與韓流市場的影響仍是造成旅行業持續經營韓國旅遊產品的主因,也是旅行業者維持公司經營的動力;最後,本研究探索的韓劇潮流影響產品行程設計之模式,對台灣的綜合旅行業在未來設計與發展新產品時,能夠有參考的依據和創新的突破,且滿足旅行業者的實務需求。


In recent years, Korean dramas become Hallyu which extend the development of Korean culture. It also has promoted many famous locations in Korea, such as theme travel. Furthermore, the numbers of Taiwanese tourists are increasing. Riding on the trend of Hallyu, the travel agencies design several group package tours to attract customers to purchase. This study analyzes tourism benefits from perspective of how Hallyu impacts travel agencies. This study aims to examine the impacts of Korean dramas on travel agency regarding on the program design model. This study adopts qualitative surveys to collect data and including in-depth-interview and Delphi method to develop three aspects, for example, Hallyu influence travel agency management motivation, the factors of consideration in program design and product performance. In addition, the questionnaire embraces the future trend of program design, as well as the suggestions and advices which were consulted by experts on program design and development. The result indicates that Hallyu is the major reason why makes travel agencies develop Korean tourism program. Finally, according to research, the impacts of Hallyu on program design model for Taiwan general travel agencies can be used as references for new programs or innovation for new products and address the practical needs in the future.


