  • 學位論文


A Study on the Perceived Value of Food at the Taiwan Night Markets - Using the Ningxia Night Market in Taipei City as an Example

指導教授 : 楊芝澐


根據交通部觀光局之統計資料,台灣夜市不僅是台灣民眾夜間喜愛的消費活動,更是外國旅客來台旅遊的必經之處,更為台灣帶來國際型的觀光消費市場。 但也由於台灣多數夜市在環境清潔及食品安全衛生性容易被質疑,夜市美食小吃也容易被定位廉價的產品,因此,本研究以台灣第一個訴求環保並成功整合夜市攤商將夜市美食多次帶進總統府餐宴的台北寧夏夜市為研究背景,再藉由不同專家之問卷調查來發掘與確定影響台灣夜市美食知覺價值之關鍵因素。 本研究採用層級分析法(AHP) 作為分析方法,為達本論文之目的,研究者挑選了產、官、學界相關領域之專家進行專家問卷分析。 由研究結果可以看出,影響台灣夜市美食知覺價值的主要因素的方面,專家認為區位與動線及口碑因素影響最大,其次是停車場位置及夜市的獨特性及外觀。 因此,本研究反映在交通與公共設施因素及知覺價值因素對提升夜市美食知覺價值有重大的影響。


According to the statistics of the Tourism Bureau, the night market in Taiwan is not only the people’s favorite pastime, but is also the place to be for foreign tourists when visiting Taiwan, thus bringing Taiwan an international type of tourism consumption market. However, due to concerns over environmental cleanliness and food hygiene in most Taiwan night markets, coupled with the low prices, night markets in Taiwan are likely to have the perceived value image of being stereotyped as “cheap”. Therefore, the Ninxgxia Night Market that prioritizes environmental protection in Taiwan and has successfully integrated to its market vendors those who have repeatedly served night market food in Presidential Palace banquets was adopted as the research background. Through expert surveys, the key factors affecting the perceived value of the Taiwan night market food were found and confirmed. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was adopted as the analysis method. In order to achieve the purpose of this thesis, the researcher selected experts from industry, government, and academic circles for the expert survey analysis. Findings show that the main factors affecting the perceived value of the Taiwan night market food are location, route and word of mouth, followed by parking location, night market uniqueness and appearance. Hence, this study reflects that factors such as transportation and public facility as well as perceived value have a major influence on the enhancement of night market food.


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