  • 學位論文


The Interactive System Development for Lover’s Co-presence Communication via Door Opening

指導教授 : 徐豐明


現代社會工作繁忙,許多情侶卻因為現實的因素,平時工作地點不同、彼此的生活作息不同,造成情侶無法見面與聯絡。因此,如何增進情侶間彼此的溝通是值得探討的議題。本研究著重在情境感知以日常生活生活來結合運用,以人為中心作為研究出發點,利用人們日常生活的習慣直接來創造互動模式(以開門為例)。 本研究之目的是為了解決如何維持遠距離的情侶關係以及發展成互動系統,方便開發人員日後做相同類型的研究,並可做為相同類型的研究與系統開發者之參考,同意本系統能增加親密度之比例達到97%,本研究透過感應器配合聲音互動的方式,探討這種互動方式是否能增進情侶互相溝通與情感。 本互動系統開發之前先分析使用者需求,接著利用Phidgets微感應器當作輸入介面,使用者可運用直覺的互動方式及容易操作的系統介面,作為增進雙方溝通、情感之輔助工具。本互動系統著重於親密度以及使用性部份,親密度同意數達到97%,在系統使用性上反問項平均數大多落在3以下,使用者大多都認為操作非常簡單,同時受測者也認為對於此互動方式感到非常的有興趣並能提升雙方之間的親密度。


The ever increasing business pressures, workloads, different work locations and lifestyles make it hard for lovers to meet and contact with each other. How to significantly enhance the communication between lovers is an important issue worthy of further studying. In our modern society, people are getting much busier, in other words pressures and workloads are increasing. Due to the economic reasons, for example, different locations and lifestyles, those make lovers unsuitable communicate and less time to contact. Their relationship gaps could be happened. Therefore, this issue of how to raise the communication for lovers is worthy of further exploration. Our research purposes are resolving lovers how to keep their long-distance relationship and develop an interactive system that developer could use our system to do similar research in the future. We use sensors with voice interaction exploring whether this interaction could improve lovers communication and affection or not. We analyse user requirements before developing interactive system. Subsequently, the mini-sensor of Phidgets is used as input device. Users applied more direct interaction and operated system interface much easier then become an assistant tool which increase bilateral communication and affection. Our interactive system focused on the lovers’ intimacy and system usability. The results of questionnaire survey show measure agreement of intimacy to 97% and a mean of system usability mostly on within 3.0, on the other hand, the most of subjects consider our system operated without difficulty and they also interested in our interaction system to bring bilateral intimacy up.


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