  • 學位論文


Integrated Application in Virtual Reality and Situated Learning – Learning system in Human Anatomy

指導教授 : 黃秀美


根據國內外對電腦網路科技應用於教學上之相關研究顯示,電腦及網路等資訊科技用於輔助教學,能有效提升學習者的學習動機、學習態度及學習成效。3D虛擬實境技術已逐漸成為現今數位學習系統發展趨勢,而情境學習理論認為,學習者於情境裡主動參與互動及探索事物,透過此方式以建構知識或訓練技能,進而提升學習者之學習成效;因此本研究將虛擬實境與情境學習理論結合,以人體器官學習課程為教材主題,建置一個虛擬教學醫院之學習系統,提供心血管系統:心臟、呼吸系統、消化系統、泌尿系統及骨骼系統,共五大主題。有別於傳統教學方式,本研究學習系統營造醫院診療情境引導學習者進入課程,以輔助學習者在該科目之學習。 系統開發完成後,本研究採用準實驗研究法之單組前測-後測實驗設計,並以成對樣本t檢定進行分析,其分析結果具有顯著效果,顯示情境學習模式對學習者之學習成效有正向影響。實驗後,採用問卷調查法對學習者進行學習系統評量進而分析學習者科技接受度,研究結果顯示學習者之科技接受程度對學習動機有正向相關影響,學習動機對學習者之使用意願也具有正向相關影響,即表示情境學習模式可增進學習者學習動機並提升使用意願。


Various researches on information and network technologies applied in the context of educational indicate that the computer and network technologies effectively raise learners’ motivations, enhance their attitudes towards learning and improve learning efficiency. 3D virtual reality technology has become the trend for the development of the E-learning systems. According to the theory of situated learning, learners construct knowledge or acquire skills through participating activities in the environment as well as actively interacting and exploring things and phenomena inside the environment. In this manner, learning performance will be improved. Hence, this research integrates virtual reality technology with situated learning theory. A learning system providing virtual learning environment has been developed. Human organ anatomy serves as the main subject of the learning system. The learning system contains five major human anatomy topics including the cardiovascular system: heart, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, and skeletal system. Apart from traditional pedagogy, the medical learning system built in this study simulates situations in a hospital to effectively help learners obtain knowledge. After the completion of the system, this research used the quasi-experimental method of one-group pretest-posttest experiment design and pair-sample t test to analyze learning effect. The results are evaluated to be statistically significant and indicated that situated learning helps to improve the effectiveness of learning. In addition, this research used the questionnaire survey method to assess learners' technology acceptance. Survey result showed that learner's technology acceptance has an effect on motivation, and motivation of learner could promote intention to use. In other words, situated learning facilitates learners’ motivations and intention to learn.


