  • 學位論文


A Study on the Visual Design Expression of Adult Plot of "Toy Story" Animation Series.

指導教授 : 黃鐉津


電影動畫從早期的平面動畫,演變至今日幾乎是以3D的方式呈現,可見3D動畫儼然成為電影界一股新興潮流。但是如何製作出叫好又叫座的影片,是目前製作3D動畫的重要課題。 本研究主要目的希望從皮克斯動畫影片中探討其動畫成人情節的表現形式與設計思維,作為台灣動畫創作者在日後創作動畫上的参考。研究中是透過認知心理學及符號學的分析,從皮克斯《玩具總動員》系列中的成人情節與視覺設計表現的運用為研究範疇,來研究其動畫製作的形式與設計思維。本研究歸納出其動畫製作的主要運用形式有兩種:一為喜劇形式的運用,讓動畫中的成人情節轉化解構,使觀眾沉浸在輕鬆愉悅的氛圍中;而另一種則是感性形式的運用,經由視覺符碼表現來傳遞溫馨、感人的畫面。 最後筆者對研究結果進行反思與改進,做為之後進行研究的參考架構,同時希望結果能提供動畫製作者設計之參考。


Movie animation has been derived from plain animation of earlier to the 3D presentation of today. From this we can see that 3D animation has become an emerging trend in movie field. However, how to produce a blockbuster film with good plot is the important issue when producing 3D animation today. This research mainly explores the performance and design thought of the adult plot animation from Pixar animations for Taiwan animation creators can refer to in the future. The study analyzed cognitive psychology and semiotics, using the adult plot and visual design from “Toy’s Story” of Pixar as the range to investigate the formation and design thought of animation production. The research generates that animation production has two forms: one is comedy. The adult plot in the animation is being decomposed for the audiences merge into the fun and delightful atmospheres. Another kind is sensibility which conveys warm and touching scenes from semiotics. In the end, aim at the result of this study to work on the reflection and improvement as a framework of reference for the following study and hope that the relevant result can provide animation creators in design scene with the reference direction.


6. 皮克斯,《皮克斯動畫20年》,2009,台北市立美術館。
15. Usha Goswami,《兒童認知》,2003,台北,心理出版社。
一、 中文書目
1. David Brodwell,《電影意義的追尋》,1994,台北,遠流出版事業。
2. David Brodwell,《電影敘事》,1999,台北,遠流出版事業。
