  • 學位論文


'Ignore'─ The Subject Of Social Issue Of Posters

指導教授 : 蔡綺


全球科技化的發展,閱聽媒體不斷進化,促使資訊流通更為便利,從傳統的平面媒體、電視視聽媒體進化至網路社群媒體的產生,智慧型的科技載體促使網路媒體使用者增多,新聞媒體趁勝追擊,社會問題受到重視,演變成大家所討論的「社會議題」。社會議題的廣泛被討論,因著國際媒體的不斷更新、軟硬體傳播力量的擴散,更跨足了各個國家,其中環境、動植物迫害、能源、社會運動等,都是大眾重視的社會議題範疇。臺灣至1987年解嚴後,社會運動、民間團體紛紛成立,在短短二十幾年間蓬勃發展,相關社會議題所帶來利弊得失的討論,促使臺灣社會氛圍不斷的產生變化,社會發展逐漸透過議題的產生、改善、結束,終至得到進步。本創作主要以社會議題的形式透過色墨元素的創作,借助海報媒體的形式,期望達到以下目的: 一、 色墨的技法特性為創作元素成像手法之一,本創作運用色墨渲染特性,強調社會議題產生如同渲染一般,具有吞噬社會安定的影響力,期盼社會議題受到重視並呼籲尋求解決之道,避免這些問題成為日後社會動盪不安的禍端。 二、 期待透過文獻及相關作品研究,了解海報創作時符號轉換設計的奇妙關係,建構相關社會議題的符號元素,以提升觀者對於社會議題的關切及注目度,發揮集結眾人之志解決社會問題的海報傳達功能。 三、期待嘗試色墨的表現技法,呈現個人獨特的海報風格。


社會議題 海報 墨視 傳播媒體 圖像符號


With global technology development, the type of media has evolved from traditional print media, television audiovisual media into social networking media and smart (phone) network media. The convenience of information flow, plus the news media in hot pursuit; problems in the society therefore are concerned more seriously, “social issues” is as known the other term for social problems. With the growth of constantly updated in international media and software/ hardware, a wide range of social issues are discussed, such as environment, the persecution of animals and plants, energy source, social movements, etc. Thrive in the past twenty years, social movements, NGO (non-governmental organization) have been established one after the other after Taiwan lifted the martial law in 1987. The created room for discussing social issues has promoted the social atmosphere to generate the changes of social development that gradually leads the society to boost, improve, and eventually to get progress. The activity of this poster creation mainly aims at the discourse of social issues by through the form of poster media with the element of color ink, and to achieve the following objectives : 1. The skill of color ink is one of the techniques for creation. With its feature of color rendering, the emphasized social issues are anticipated, as the color ink will have it all over the society, furthermore, to appeal to find a solution in order to avoid our society in turmoil in the future. 2. Symbols take the form of words; they also represent ideas in relevant issues. This poster creation is to enhance viewer’s concerns for social issues as to await the influence of the poster creation on each and every one to unite their wills to solve social problems. 3. A skillful and unique performance in the technique of color ink is desired to be encountered.


Social issues posters Ignore media graphic symbol


.Arthur Asa Berger著、黃新生譯,1992,《媒介分析方法》,臺北市:遠流。
