  • 學位論文

故事型廣告之感性魅力關鍵研究─以全家Let’s Café電視廣告為案例

The Research on Emotional Charm Point by Story Advertising─A Case Study of Let's Café CF of FamilyMart

指導教授 : 林承謙


全家便利商店與伯朗咖啡合作推出自有品牌「Let’s Café」,訴求「一杯咖啡的時間,一個故事」及「喝一口美好」的概念,透過說故事的敘事型廣告從情感面來打動消費者,並創造出品牌獨有的氣質。近年來更推出一系列60秒的故事型廣告,透過線上媒體結合行銷活動來產生更大的效益,一舉打破電視廣告30秒的限制,感性地對消費者說出動人的故事。 本研究從時報金像獎34屆至36屆得獎作品中提取五部影片作為研究樣本,並透過質性研究加以分析。首先採用楊裕富的「文化符碼三層說」理論,從策略層了解各部影片的目標群、故事文本及述說方式;在意義層中發現如何透過題素的組合來產生具體的想法;於技術層中找出廣告如何透過鏡頭、顏色、方向等元素來提高質感等。其次則以「敘事理論三幕說」概念,針對各幕轉折點於影片時間軸上的走向來計算其數值並規劃出強度圖來檢視其中的感性魅力關鍵,找出是否尚有其他應用的可能性。 本論文透過上述的研究設計導引出五點結論:一、創造一個爭議性目標來觸動閱聽人的好奇心。二、暗示性引導更能獲取認同感。三、為品牌注入感性訴求,獲取分眾市場認同進而影響大眾市場消費。四、透過緊湊的劇情安排來打開閱聽人的情感大門。五、故事型廣告之感性魅力關鍵所在;人是情感的動物,故事的魅力在於蘊含了豐富的情感,透過劇情的設計與安排屆能產生品牌特有的氛圍,建立消費者新的體驗或讓其沉浸於過去的美好。


“Let’s Café” is an own brand launched by FamilyMart and Mr. Brown. The brand promotes two concepts: ‘One Coffee, One Story’ and ‘One Sip of Wonder’. Based on these two concepts, FamilyMart utilized the online media and marketing skills to create a sequential narrative storytelling advertisement campaign. This study would analyze five advertising films of Let’s Café in two ways: 1.Use of ‘culture code theory three tier design’, which will allow us to understand how a story can be told through tier planning. Discover film elements through a combination of specific questions to generate ideas and meanings. Improving film quality through color, direction, frame rates, etc. 2.Base on ‘Three-Act Structure’ to analyze numerical findings of emotional factors and charismatic factors. Using these data collected, MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) can then be created to enable the findings of useful application and information. This study found the following five conclusions: 1.Creating a disputable goal will arouse consumers’ sense of curiosity 2.Providing hint within the guide will lead to better identification of more suggestive results. 3.By infusing emotional appeals into the brand, this will thereby affect the mass-market segment through consumer recognition. 4.From a well written story plot, it will open up audiences’ mind. 5.Key factors of a successful advertisement depend on the story plot, as well as its capability to charm the audiences. An advertisement with charming story or unique atmosphere can create new experience for the consumer, or bring back old positive memories of the brand or similar products.




