  • 學位論文


The Exploration of the Effect in Applying Experiential Marketing to Microfilm – A Case Study of NTCUST Microfilm

指導教授 : 蔡子瑋


自從Schmitt於1999年提出體驗行銷的概念後,體驗行銷的世代已悄悄來臨。在此趨勢下,廣告宣傳的方式也漸漸由單純宣導式的理性廣告,偏向傳達情感訴求之感性廣告。隨著新媒體技術的發展與傳統大眾傳播媒體的式微,許多企業為了接觸逐年增加的網路使用人口,相繼採用了微電影廣告的行銷手法,因而微電影也顯然成為企業的行銷必備品。   本研究以臺中科大第一部校園微電影《夢想,這一刻發光》為例,根據Schmitt所提出之感官、情感、思考、行動、關聯等五項策略體驗模組,從體驗行銷為出發點,探討其運用於校園微電影之可行性與傳播效果。研究方法採用參與式經驗紀錄回溯、後設深度訪談法與問卷法來收集資料,分別訪談影片製作人以及調查學生的意見,共回收有效問卷232份。本研究主要的資料分析方法為開放性編碼、平均數、信度及T檢定分析。   本研究資料分析結果顯示,運用體驗行銷的宣傳手法於微電影傳播為具體可行,且五項策略體驗模組可大致達到原先預期的微電影行銷目標。此外,在行銷過程中凝聚了參與者之間的情感,使其產生向心力與對校園的認同感。若要達到更佳的行銷效果,未來在微電影傳播與行銷的規劃上,應更注重視聽之間的節奏與搭配、整合跨領域之人才、以及培養熱愛微電影的夥伴。


Since Schmitt proposed the concept of marketing experience in 1999, the generation of experiential marketing has quietly come. In this tendency, the way of advertising has gradually turned from the rational advertising for direct announcement to the perceptual advertising for emotional appeal. With the development of new media technologies and the decline of traditional mass communication media, more and more companies have utilized the marketing strategy of microfilm advertising to contact the internet using populations which are increasing year by year.   Based on the five strategic experiential modules, sense, feel, think, act, and relate, proposed by Schmitt, these of the study is to explore the effect of applying experiential marketing to microfilm communication by taking “Light” , the first microfilm of NTCUST, as a case study. The required information for analysis was collected from a participatory experience backtracking, an intensive interview with the filmmaker and an evaluation questionnaire for the students in NTCUST, respectively. In this study, 232 valid replies were obtained. The methods used for information analysis included open coding, mean, reliability and T-test analysis.   The analysis results showed that experiential marketing could be effectively applied to microfilm communication, and that five strategic experiential modules could almost reach the expected goals in microfilm marketing. In the process of microfilm marketing, the emotion of each participant was condensed together so that the participants generated solidarity and understanding for NTCUST. If better marketing effect is desired for, the microfilm making and marketing planning of the future work should be paid more attentions to the rhythm and match between audio and video, integration of cross-field talent, and education of working partners who love microfilm.


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