  • 學位論文


The Study of Injection Molding Parameters for 1.5 inches Light Guide Plate

指導教授 : 林忠志


微結構的設計與應用為目前光學產品及光電系統中不可或缺的關鍵零組件之一,從居家照明燈具到高精度LCD背光模組之導光板、擴散片、稜鏡片都需應用到微結構來達到光學特性的改善。如何讓微結構元件的轉性性更高便成為一個值得研究的議題。 射出成型中影響產品品質之參數眾多,各參數之影響程度均不同,若要滿足轉寫性、尺寸與形狀精度之要求,需提升射出成型技術提升才能達到,因此,本研究針對1.5吋的導光板進行模流分析,模擬各種射出參數,如熔膠溫度、射出速度、射出壓力、保壓壓力、保壓時間與模具溫度的設定組合,找出影響導光板品質的因素,再根據模流分析結果進行田口實驗規劃,再將所規劃的實驗參數設定至Moldflow分析軟體內進行分析,最後進行射出成型實驗驗證。 在量測方面,使用工具顯微鏡進行產品不同位置之微結構長度、寬度與深度的轉寫性量測,以瞭解理論分析與實際射出後的差異,最後歸納實驗數據與分析結果,本研究結果發現產品翹曲量與模流分析之結果相吻合,另外;就不同的成型參數分別對微結構上的尺寸進行量測,由量測中可得知微結構長度與寬度尺寸的轉寫性不受澆口位置影響。


Plastic parts with micro structure are important components in optical products and electronic consumer products. Such as lighting applications, LCD backlight light modulus diffusion film, prism film, etc. Plastic parts with micro structure Can be designed with the demand on optical performance. Therefore, how to produce high replication parts with micro structure are the objet for this study. There are lots of molding parameters which influence the quality of molded part. In order to satisfy the requirement of high replication, and dimensional stability, the tranditional injection technology needs to be enhanced. In this study, a 1.5〞 light guide panel is illustrated to demonstrate how to improve the quality by CAE analysis and design of experiment method. First, we use CAE software to analyze the molding parameters such as: melt temperature, injection speed, injection pressure, holding pressure, etc. After a feasible combination of molding parameters is determined, the Taguchie method is implemented to validate the predicted molding parameters. For dimension measurement, microscope is used to check the length, width, and depth of the molded part, respectively. The results show that the real warpage of the part is similar to the predicted result calculated by CAE analysis. In addition, the replication of micro structure of the part is independent on the gate location.


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