  • 學位論文


Business Strategies of the Leisure Industry for the “Cross-Straight Three Direct Links”Policy –A Case Study of Janfusun Fancyworld

指導教授 : 胡伯潛


自馬總統上任後,在兩岸尚未正式兩岸開放三通之前,國內休閒產業對於兩岸開放三通,陸客來台觀光等的議題充滿既期待又怕受傷害的心理。因為其中牽涉到的變數太多,休閒產業只能被動的等待因應,難以主動爭取及掌控。在同樣的期間,世界經濟受到金融海嘯的影響,造成全球景氣惡化,民眾消費力下滑。這種蕭條衰退的情況何時會結束,各方說法莫衷一是,使得從事休閒產業的業者更加的困惑與疑慮。 民國98年上半年開始,休閒產業的情況終於逐漸轉好,來台觀光的陸客由原先每日的幾百人,已達預定目標的三千人,甚至超過。在陸客來台觀光的趨勢明朗化後,接下來的重點就是休閒產業業者內部的問題,例如他們應該如何爭取客源,如何讓旅客有賓至如歸、物超所值、不虛此行的滿意度等。這些問題將持續不斷的考驗休閒產業業者的能耐,同時也是把陸客觀光這塊餅做大做久的關鍵所在。 劍湖山世界旗下有飯店、主題樂園、百貨事業三大區塊,如果善加發揮,能夠爭取到陸客的消費額勢必優於同業,例如拉大與同業間的差異性、開發主題旅館配合摩天輪、雲宵飛車的婚紗攝影的商機、注重網路行銷的手法及效果等。有鑑於陸客來台「自由行」的政策即將開放,劍湖山世界的獲利必定可以因此而快速成長。本論文除了在劍湖山世界預定經營策略的基礎上做一些建議策略外,還針對未來「陸客自由行」所帶來的商機進行一番探討。


Before the formal announcement of “Cross-Straight Three Direct Links” policy after President Ma’s inauguration, the leisure industry in Taiwan all cautiously expected the issue of the visit of tourists from mainland China for it involved many uncertainties that cannot be controlled. In the same period, world economy has been heavily damaged by the financial crisis which caused the recession and the loss of consumption power. This also adds more puzzle and concern for the leisure industry in Taiwan since no one can really predict when will be the end of the recession Since the beginning of 2009, the environment of the leisure industry in Taiwan started getting better finally. Number of tourists from mainland China have increased from several hundred to the predetermined goal of three thousand or even higher. As the trend of the visit of tourists from mainland China become apparent, the next important issue is the leisure industry itself, for example, how do they appeal more tourists to their sites? How do they make the tourists comfortable and satisfied? All these issues will continuously challenge the ability of the leisure industry and also are the key elements of expanding the size of the pie of the visit of mainland China’s tourists. There are three main blocks under the Janfusun Fancyworld, the hotel, the theme park and the department store. If those three blocks can be well utilized, they will generate more revenues than its counterparts. The strategies that Janfusun Fancyworld adopted are: enlarge the differential between Janfusun and its counterparts, develop the opportunity of the combination of the theme hotel, the Ferris Wheel, the Roller Coaster, and the bridal veil film. In addition, as the policy of backpacking tourist from mainland China will be settled soon, Janfusun’s revenue shall rapidly grow accordingly. In this study, business strategies for Janfusun are developed and suggested, the issue of the business opportunities generated by the backpacking tourists from mainland China are also discussed.




