  • 學位論文


The Application of Data Mining to Customer Analysis of Imported Fine Furniture Company

指導教授 : 黃信豪


隨著消費者意識的抬頭,許多企業的經營也就越來越重視顧客關係之管理。在微利時代,企業除了要積極開發新顧客,針對原有顧客的消費模式也需要加以分析,如此才能以有限的行銷資源來達到獲取最大的效益。 顧客分析的結果也可幫助企業擬定相關產品行銷策略,近年來資料探勘技術已廣泛被應用在顧客關係管理領域,因此,本研究首先針對台中某精品傢俱業者之顧客交易資料進行探討分析,利用資料探勘手法與工具,提出資料探勘模式及架構對應顧客屬性及其消費情況以找出顧客消費行為的相似性,除了使用基本統計分析外,並採用資料探勘技術中之關聯分析及決策樹分析來分析顧客交易資料,最後再利用群集化方法來進行顧客分群。


The competition in today’s competitive market has become more and fiercer due to the increasing customer awareness. Customers today tend to be more price sensitive, sophisticated and calculative in deciding the service providers. Therefore, more and more companies are paying attention to customer relationship management in order to remain good relationship with the customers and increase profits. . In recent years, data mining technique has been widely used in the field of customer relationship management. Hence, the objective of this study is to apply data mining to analyze the customers of an imported fine furniture company in Taichung, Taiwan. Through customer analysis the company will be able to gain more insights into current and prospective customers in order to develop an effective marketing strategy that increases company’s profits. Data analysis methods used in this study includes statistical analysis, link analysis, decision tree, and clustering.


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