  • 學位論文


The Adoption of GPS for Car: An Example of Students on the Job in Kun Shan University

指導教授 : 陳嵩


隨著時代的變遷,全球衛星定位系統(GPS)已從軍事用途廣泛地轉移至日常生活之中;此外,隨著國人價值觀、環境因素等的改變、日漸注重休閒娛樂,相對的開車至外地旅遊的人數也增加,因此也可能會出現許多找不到目的地的問題,而衛星定位系統所提供的導航功能也就顯得很重要。但根據拓璞產業研究所(2008)的調查指出,目前全球仍有超過八億輛正在使用的汽車是沒有配備車用GPS,這意味車用GPS市場還有著豐富的商機。然而車用GPS業者要能掌握這個商機、擬訂有效的行銷策略,就必需先瞭解影響消費者車用GPS購買意圖的原因。 本研究以科技接受模式(TAM)為主軸,並將知覺愉悅性概念納入TAM的信念構面,以三個知覺信念變數(即知覺有用性、易用性與愉悅性)來預測消費者購買車用GPS的可能性,其次推論消費者的年齡、性別、個人創新性、電腦自我效能及生活型態等外部變項對其知覺信念變數的可能影響,並以崑山科技大學323位在職學生為驗證對象。 路徑分析結果顯示,(1)受試者年齡愈長、知覺車用GPS的愉悅性愈高,男性知覺車用GPS的易用性顯著高於女性;(2)受試者個人創新性及電腦自我效能對個人知覺車用GPS的有用性、易用性及愉悅性皆呈顯著正向影響,其中又以個人創新性的影響最大;(3)受試者知覺車用GPS的易用性不但會直接影響車用GPS的購買意圖,且會透過知覺有用性間接影響車用GPS的購買意圖;(4)受試者知覺車用GPS愉悅性主要透過知覺有用性、易用性間接影響車用GPS購買意圖;(5)受試者的個人創新性、知覺車用GPS的有用性對車用GPS購買意圖皆呈顯著正向影響。最後,研究者依據實證結果提出行銷建議供車用GPS業者參考。


To accompany with times change, the usage of Global Positioning System (GPS) had transferred from military uses to daily lives. Moreover, the changes of people’s values and life styles, people regard amusement gradually. The amount of people who travel by car is increasing. The problem of people can’t find the destination is increasing, hence the GPS for car is more and more important. But it still has many cars that don’t equip GPS, it means the market of GPS has many commercial possibilities. However if the firms marketing GPS for car want to obtain the commercial possibilities, they have to understand the impact factor of consumer’s purchase intention. This study, based the theory of technology acceptance model (TAM) and combined perceived enjoyment into belief construct of TAM, uses three variables of perceived belief (perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment) to predict possible influence on latent consumer’s purchase intention to GPS for car, and it also explores the effect of individual differences on perceived beliefs. Three hundreds and twenty-three students on the job in Kun Shan University were sampled as subjects. The findings of path analysis show that (1) older respondents will have higher perceived of enjoyment than younger respondents, men will have higher perceived ease of use than female, (2) personal innovativeness and computer self-efficacy has significantly positive affect on perceived beliefs, moreover, personal innovativeness made a greatest impact of all external variables, (3) perceived ease of use not only has direct impact, but also through perceived usefulness on purchase intention of GPS for car, (4) perceived usefulness and personal innovativeness has a significant direct impact on purchase of GPS for car. Finally, managerial implications for marketing of GPS for car and recommendations for future research are presented.


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