  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Graphic Color and Spatial Depth Perception in Dot-matrix Holography

指導教授 : 黃雅玲


本研究以點矩陣式全像片的空間深度營造為研究主題,以單眼線索為基礎,嘗試以並置混色法改變圖像色彩的明度對比與質感,造成圖像的層次深度感,並延伸變化出不同的構圖形式,針對圖像色彩的明度對比、圖地位置關係與色相分別進行三組不同的實驗。本研究透過實驗得到以下結果: 1.當色彩的明度對比越強,圖像的空間深度層次感越強。 2.圖地位置關係對於圖像之空間深度知覺有影響,實驗結果顯示因媒材不同而有 差異性。在點矩陣式全像片方面,當前景是暗而背景是亮的時候,圖像的空間 深度知覺較高;在印刷圖像方面,相異於全像片,當前景是亮而背景是暗的時 候,圖像的空間深度知覺較高。 3.在點矩陣式全像片中,圖像色彩以「黃色」的空間深度感最強;「藍色」的空 間深度感最弱。 綜合以上實驗結果發現,點矩陣式全像片的色彩對於空間深度的營造具有影響力,其中又以明度對比所造成的效果最為明顯。


This research topic is about spatial depth development of dot-matrix holography. Base on monocular cues, it changes color’s brightness contrast and texture by mixing juxtaposition color to create layer depth perception in the graphic, and it extends to different ways of composition. This research has three experiments of brightness contrast, figure-ground relationship and hue of graphic color and gets results as below: 1.When color’s brightness contrast gets stronger, the graphic’s spatial depth perception gets stronger. 2.Figure-ground relationship has influence on the graphic’s spatial depth perception and the experimental results show there exists differences when using different materials. In the dot-matrix hologram, it gets better spatial depth perception when the figure is darker than the ground in the graphic. In the printing work, the result is different from hologram’s and gets better spatial depth perception when the figure is brighter than the ground in the graphic. 3.In the dot-matrix hologram, yellow color brings the strongest spatial depth perception and blue color is the weakest in graphic. Based on the experimental results above showed colors have influences on the development of spatial depth in the dot-matrix hologram, and it is the most obvious when there exists brightness contrast.


Wyszecki, Stiles.(1982). Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae. New York, US: John Wiley and Sons.
Ann Marie Rohaly.(1999). The effects of contrast on perceived depth and depth discrimination [Monograph]. Vision Research, 39, 9–18.
