  • 學位論文


Effect of Alcohol Intake on Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury - A Population Based Study

指導教授 : 邱文達


背景及目的: 本研究目的在探討頭部外傷資料庫中酒精相關頭部外傷病患的臨床表現危險因子及預後之間的比較。 研究方法: 我們以文獻回顧的方式,從 8,517 位因頭部外傷住院病人的病歷記載去定義酒精相關頭部外傷病患。以及病歷中臨床表現,危險因子及預後狀況加以分析討論。 研究結果: 本資料庫中定義酒精相關到院,並且住院登錄頭部外傷資料庫中病患,臨床上表現有較好的預後及較低的死亡率。 結論: 酒精相關頭部外傷病患導致非致死性傷害的病患中,常常導致嚴重的後遺症,導致顱內出血的產生。而對於死亡率較低的頭部外傷主因除了酒精相關到院病人可能因為酒精影響使得輕症的酒醉病患較多之外,對於酒精的神經保護作用也有相關的影響。 關鍵字: 酒精, 外傷性腦損傷, 昏迷指數, 預後


Background/Purpose: The aim of the present study was to review the clinical manifestations, risk factors and outcome in traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients with alcohol use. Methods: We reviewed the medical records of 8,517 in-hospital patients who were identified with alcohol associated traumatic brain injury. Results: Patients complicated with alcohol drinking manifested a better outcome compared to patients without alcohol associated. . Conclusion: Alcohol associated amongst head injury patients has serious complications in nonfatal TBI cases, and indicates a risk of developing post-traumatic intracranial hemorrhage as the patients’ final outcome. Keywords: Alcohol, TBI, GCS, Outcome


Alcohol TBI GCS Outcome


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