  • 學位論文


Association of prepregnant body mass index and gestational weight gain with pregnancy outcomes

指導教授 : 葉松鈴


如何孕育健康的胎兒,一直是政府、學者關切的公共衛生議題及父母深切的期待與盼望。懷孕期體重增加過多或過少,均會造成母體及胎兒不良的懷孕結果,因此本研究藉由回溯性設計,以病歷查閱方式,收集產婦相關人口學資料與懷孕期體重變化及併發症相關資料,以了解懷孕前身體質量指數與懷孕期體重增加量對懷孕結果的相關性。研究對象為於2007年4月至2007年6月於台北市馬偕紀念醫院生產之產婦,符合本研究個案數為860名。研究工具主要為本院建置之產房資料庫輔以病歷查詢,內容包括孕婦基本資料、胎次、胎數、懷孕前身高與體重、懷孕期體重變化、懷孕期併發症、生產方式及出生體重等。孕婦根據其懷孕前身體質量指數分為三組,而根據其懷孕期體重增加量分為四組。研究結果顯示當產婦懷孕前體重過重或肥胖(身體質量指數 ≥ 24 kg/m2),其發生懷孕型糖尿病、嬰兒出生體重 ≥ 3500公克及巨嬰症的風險增加,而懷孕期體重增加量 < 10公斤,則嬰兒出生體重 < 2500公克及早產的風險增加,懷孕期體重增加量 ≥ 14公斤,則嬰兒出生體重 ≥ 3500公克的風險增加,懷孕期體重增加量 ≥ 18公斤,則發生巨嬰症及子癇前症的風險增加。


The effect of maternal weight gain on obstetric performance is less clear and population based studies in Taiwan reporting on the effect of extremes of body mass index (BMI) on pregnancy outcomes are relatively few. Therefore, we designed this retrospective study to identify risk factors for excessive or inadequate gestational weight gain and prepregnant BMI with associated morbidities among women in a medical center. Data were extracted from the delivery room information bank on all women delivering singleton babies in the Taipei Mackay Memorial Hospital between April to June, 2007. The collected variables including basic information, parity, prepregnant height and body weight, gestational weight gain, gestational complications, the delivery method and neonatal birthweight etc. The women were categorized into 3 groups according to their prepregant BMI and divided to 4 groups depend on the gestational weight gain. The findings showed that prepregant BMI ?d 24kg/m2 increased the risks of gestational diabetes mellitus and macrosomia. Gestational weight gain < 10 kg increased the risks of low baby birthweight and preterm delivery. On the other hand, gestational weight gain ?d 14 kg may increase the risk of higher baby birthweight ; weight gain ?d 18 kg increase the risks of macrosomia and preeclampsia.


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