  • 學位論文


Factors Associated With Parental Smoking in the Presence of School-Aged Children

指導教授 : 陳品玲


臺灣地區成年吸菸率雖有逐年下降的趨勢,但吸菸族群年齡層卻逐漸年輕化,另外一般民眾雖然對於菸品的危害有一定程度的認識,但青少年二手菸暴露率卻仍高居不下,顯示出行為認知與行為落實之間的差距,故本研究之主旨為探討吸菸父母於學齡期子女面前吸菸之相關因素。 本研究採橫斷式研究設計(cross-sectional study design)進行,以方便取樣選擇台灣地區北中南東共五所國民小學為收案場所,共邀請374名吸菸家長參與研究,以結構式問卷收集其社會人口學變項、吸菸型態及家庭禁菸型態、吸菸父母在學齡期子女面前吸菸的行為信念、結果評價、家人之反應、對家人反應的回應,問卷內在一致性良好,Cronbach’s α介於 .78~ .90。 研究結果顯示66.39%的吸菸父母會在子女面前吸菸,其中會在子女面前吸菸的母親佔75.47%較父親65.02%為高;大學以上教育程度的吸菸父母較國中以下、高中職者在其子女面前吸菸的比率顯著較低(54% v.s. 75%, 71%; p= .0032);過去30天平均每天吸菸支數大於20支菸以上、不想戒菸、過去一年沒有戒菸動機、尚未戒菸、不贊成家中禁菸規定、家中無禁菸規定、沒有執行家中禁菸規定者有較高機率在學齡期子女面前吸菸。隨著子女的年齡愈大其吸菸父母贊成家庭禁菸規定的比率愈低。到屋外吸菸為吸菸父母避免子女吸入二手菸的方法中較常使用的方法佔67.10%。同住家人中以子女反對吸菸父母在其面前吸菸的比例最高。 吸菸父母對吸菸行為的態度愈負向、對二手菸危害同意程度愈高、家人反菸程度愈高以及對家人反菸的回應愈高較不會在子女面前吸菸。除此之外,家中有無禁菸規定也會影響吸菸父母在學齡期子女面前的吸菸行為。 建議未來發展家庭二手菸防制介入措施中考量我國文化及社經背景,將學童及吸菸家長共同納為介入對象的吸菸防制方案,以期落實無菸家庭策略,降低孩童二手菸暴露。


Though the adult smoking rate decreases annually in Taiwan, the smoking population is getting younger gradually. Meanwhile, the public realizes the risks of cigarettes to a certain extent, but the adolescents are still extensively exposed to the second-hand tobacco. The above evidence showed discrepancy of cognition and action. The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact factors influencing smoking parents to consume tobacco in the presence of their school-age children. This research adopted cross-sectional study design through convenient sampling of 374 smoking parents from five elementary schools across Taiwan. The smoking parents who consuming cigarettes in the presence of their school-age children answered the structural questionnaire consisting of social demographic variables, patterns of cigarette consumption and banning smoking in the family, as well as their behavioral believes, outcome assessment, responses of family members and their feedback to the responses. The internal consistency of the questionnaire was good and Cronbach’s α were between .78 and .90. The results showed that 66.39% of smoking parents consumed cigarettes in the presence of their children; among them, 75.47% of mothers smoked in the presence of their children, which was higher comparing to 65.02% of smoking fathers. Significantly fewer parents with higher education (above colleges) consumed cigarettes in the presence of their children, comparing to those who were below junior high schools, senior or professional high schools (54% v.s. 75%, 71%; p= .0032). Those parents who consumed more than 20 cigarettes in average in the past 30 days, undesired to quit smoking, lacked motivation of quitting smoking, have not quitted smoking yet, unapproved banning smoking regulation at home and did not follow banning smoking regulation were more likely to smoke in the presence of their children. When the children got older, less smoking parents approved the ban. Smoking outside of the houses was the most common method, 67.10% of them, to avoid their children inhaling second-hand tobacco. In the family, more children disapproved smoking parents to consuming tobacco in the presence of them. The more negative attitudes, the more agreement of the second-hand tobacco risks, the higher levels of anti-smoking, and the more responses of the anti-smoking family members did the smoking parents encounter, less likely were they to smoke in the presence of their children. Additionally, establishment of banning smoking regulation in the family affected behavior of the smoking parents to consume cigarettes in the presence of their school-age children. It is recommended that future intervention of preventing family second-hand tobacco should be incorporated with our culture and social economic background, and include school-aged children and their smoking parents in the programs, so the cigarette-free family strategies can be accomplished and reduce exposure of children to second-hand tobacco.


臺灣菸害防治年報(2009)•Smoke-Free Taiwan(ISSN:1994-7119)•行政院衛生署國民健康局編印。


