  • 學位論文


Perceptions of Quality Criteria regarding Medical Materials Supply among Buyers, Users and Suppliers: A Case Study of Christian Health Care Alliance

指導教授 : 黃國哲


鑒於健保支付制度不斷的改變,醫院的經營已漸漸進入微利的時代。今(2010)年度中央健康保險局推動臺灣版診斷關係症候群的支付制度(Tw-DRGs),依美國推行DRGs的經驗,各醫院的收入將大幅減少,所以國內各醫院莫不積極採取因應策略,致力改善經營管理機制降低營運成本。本研究針對教會醫療院所協會會員醫院之醫材採購人員、使用者與供應商,探討醫療耗材品項在聯合採購致力於交易價格降低的現況之下,該三組人員之間對於醫材供應評選指標認知的差異。 本研究以26家教會醫療院所協會會員醫院及其醫材供應商為研究母群體,針對前述三組人員共發放380份問卷,回收289份,其中有效問卷280份,有效回覆率則為73.68%。 研究結果顯示,採購人員與供應商之間對於供應商交貨期的準確度是否會影響其供應品質的認知間有顯著性的差異。供應商在認知方面比較重視以合理的價格及合理的利潤供應適當品質的產品,而採購人員則較重視產品有無GMP認證。至於對使用者而言,則對供應商處理顧客抱怨的速度指標最為重視。 女性採購人員顯著的比男性採購人員重視供應商交貨期的準確度,而男性使用者則顯著的較女性使用者重視供應商有無取得FDA認證及CE認證。全體樣本中最高學歷為研究所學歷者比高中職學歷者,對於供應商是否取得CE認證會影響其供應品質的的認知程度顯著較高。此外,女性供應商對於供應商過去的聲譽是否會影響其供應產品的品質,以及買方付出的交易價格是否會影響其供應產品的品質的認知程度顯著比男性供應商較高。最後,本研究發現供應商的營業性質為醫材製造商者,對於供應商過去的聲譽是否會影響其供應產品的品質之認知程度,顯著高於醫材代理商及經銷商。 整體而言,本研究發現醫材採購人員、使用者及供應商之間在醫材供應商的評選指標的認知方面有所差異。當目前各醫院為了提昇醫療品質,不斷推動各種品質提昇方法的同時,也應該重視醫材產品的供應管理,加強供應商評選指標的建立與運用,以確保醫材的供應品質。


Due to the continuous modifications of the National Health Insurance payment system, hospitals managers have been using various management strategies to cope with this challenge. The purpose of the study was to investigate the perceptions of quality criteria regarding medical materials supply among buyers, users and suppliers. The study was mainly based on 23 indices of quality when choosing suppliers proposed by Dickson. Structured questionnaires were sent to members of The Hospitals of Christian Health Care Alliance in R.O.C., where purchaser and users of medical materials were asked to respond to the survey and their medical materials suppliers. Three-hundred and eighty questionnaires were mailed out, and in the end 280 valid questionnaires were returned, representing effective response rate of 73.68%. Research results demonstrated that the supply quality criteria of accurate delivery time affected the perceptions of buyers and suppliers significantly. Buyers were more concerned about the criteria of if products were proved with the Good Manufacturing Process (GMP) certification. On the other hand, users were more focused on the criteria of speedy response to complaints. And finally, suppliers paid more attentions to the profit issue. Moreover, female purchasers were more concerned about the criteria of accurate delivery time, compared to males. Male users valued more the criteria of if products were proved with Food and Drug Administration(FDA) or Conformite Europeenne(CE) certifications. To all the responsed sample that graduated level of educations look more importance in the perceptions of criteria that products are with CE certification or not than the high school levels. Furthermore, female supplier emphasized more on both supplier’s reputation and product’s price than their male counterparts. Finally, medical materials manufacturers were more likely to agree that supplier’s reputation would influence the perceptions of quality of medical materials supply, compared to agencies and distributors of medical materials. In conclusion, the study revealed that there were different perceptions of quality criteria regarding medical materials supply among buyers, users and suppliers. Therefore, hospital managers are advised to pay more attention to the medical materials supply management issue which is an important element of medical care quality.


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