  • 學位論文


To establish a process for case management of the treatment of opioid drug abuse

指導教授 : 邱泓文
共同指導教授 : 劉立(Li Liu)


為了減少海洛因等靜脈注射鴉片類藥物成癮造成對於個人與社會的危害,以及遏止人類免疫缺陷病毒嚴重氾濫,政府引進美沙冬替代療法。然而此治療藥物亦具有成癮性,過量仍可能導致生命危險,必頇嚴密控管使用。再者治療計畫首次引進,一切都需從無到有地建立,卻不能有所差池,避免社會輿論壓力。 本研究提出一個專為鴉片類藥物濫用替代療法所設計的資訊管理模式。針對管制藥品使用的嚴密性,接受治療者的人格特質以及公共衛生所需要全國性的治療涵蓋率。分析此管理模式所需要的:跨醫療專業合作的治療平台、資訊提供效率、正確辨識個人身份、個案管理與成效評估,及整合全國執行替代療法醫療機構,設計架構。並在此架構下所建立的資訊管理系統,進行藥癮者個案管理服務。探討個案求醫、接受治療、服用藥物行為與個案治療成效的關係。 經過開發與建構,運用本系統可以達到原本設定的研究目的,提供鴉片類藥物成癮個案正確的醫療照護,滿足個案所需的醫療服務。並且推展到全國所有替代療法執行醫院使用,間接達成遏止及逆轉人類免疫缺陷病毒流行趨勢。檢討起來,此系統雖然仍有無法異地給藥、難以與各醫院本身醫療資訊系統整合等缺點。未來也需注意資料運用的倫理問題,及更加自動化的改進方向。整體而言,瑕不掩瑜,此套系統增加治療提供的效率與提高服務品質,對台灣公共衛生有正面的幫助。


In order to reduce the harm due to addiction to intravenous injection of heroin, and to stop the up roaring trend of HIV infection, the authority introduced methadone maintenance therapy in Taiwan. However the medication is potentially addictive, and the possibility of drug overdose death could not be eliminated completely. The treatment must be handled with care. We established the modality from nothing in the beginning. The project not only survived but also thrived prosperously now without much critics from the media and the whole society. This study proposed a process specifically designed for the treatment of opioid abusers with maintenance therapy. With the help of such a information system constructed under this structure, clinicians can practice their daily case management services in a higher accuracy and comforts. The patients also benefit from this process because of better service and better efficiency, and improved satisfaction is also expected in the end. And we set up the goal of the study: to establish an efficient communication platform for all experts in the treatment program, to identify patient correctly and swiftly, and to enhance the cooperation network island-wide. The system can fulfill our initial study targets, and now it provides service for all methadone clinics and patients in Taiwan with preciseness and efficiency. The intravenous drug user related HIV infection surge is reversed, and it is significant for the public health of Taiwan. Although there are still pitfalls in the system, the system is still reliable for the nation’s treatment program for the drug users.


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