  • 學位論文


The Brain Responses to Soccer-heading Impact at Different Corner-kick Landing Location

指導教授 : 陳祥和




足球 腦震盪 有限元素分析 角球 頭球


According to information released by Fédération Internationale de Football Association in 2014, the population of soccer is about two hundred and seventy million, which makes it one of the most popular sports in the world. Although soccer is not traditionally identified as a sport with a high risk for head injuries, several studies have shown that concussion rates in soccer often exceed those of other contact sports. Heading is the action of hitting the ball with their unprotected head by players on offense or defense. In recent years, controversies about the long-term effects of repeated impacts from heading have raised attention from the medical community. Previous works using finite element simulation studied the responses of the human brain during American football-related concussions. That model-predicted strain and strain rate in the corpus callosum correlate with changes in indices of concussion's white matter integrity have been confirmed preliminarily. This study aims to estimate the response of the human brain in soccer-heading impacts using the finite element method. It can help us understand the risk of concussion during heading. This study focus on headers after corner kicks in the 20th World Cup of 2014. First, statistics of corner kicks and headers in each game were done for the World Cup 2014. Second, four soccer team players were recruited to serve the corner kicks, and the kinematic data of corner kicks were recorded with 4 cameras. Finally, finite element human models were used to simulate the brain response during heading in different corner-kick landing regions. The results showed that headers occurred during 76.5% of all corner kicks in the World Cup 2014. The regions 1&2 were the most frequent locations of the corner kick landing, and regions 4&5 were the most efficient locations for scoring in the World Cup 2014. When the corner-kick ball landed at regions 4 to 6 with high velocity, the peak maximum principal strain of gray matters was close to the threshold of 25% concussion and the peak maximum principal strain & peak maximum strain rate of white matters was higher during forehead heading than the tophead heading. The brain tissue sustained high strain and pressure during heading impact although there was no obvious trauma that resulted in the skull. Heading with slower balls at regions 1&2 is safer than that with faster balls at regions 4&5 but the scoring efficiency was higher at faster landing regions according to the statistics of corner-kick headers in the World Cup 2014. This study reveals that corner-kick heading has a higher risk of concussion in faster landing regions, and reminds us that training and offensive strategy should better consider the risk of concussion instead of scoring efficiency only.


soccer finite element corner kicks heading concussion


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