  • 學位論文


Interdisplinary Perio-Prosthetic treatment in Patient with periodontitis

指導教授 : 李惠娥




After periodontal invasion and destruction, the dental arch may present attachment loss、furcation involvement、poor crown/ratio and pathological migration. These complicated the clinical situation and treatment. This report shared 10 perio-prosthetic cases including 5 males and 5 females with average age 56 years old ranging from 25 to 84 years old.The mean treatment duration is 1 year and 4 months. Data collection include chief complain、history、clinical examination、study cast analysis and radiographic examination. By surveying above data, correction diagnosis was made and proper treatment plan was decided. The treatment plans were executed after agreement of the patients. The periodontal therapy involve nonsurgical periodontal treatment, re-evaluation, periodontal surgery and maintenance. The periodontal surgery include flap surgery, guided tissue regeneration surgery、implant surgery、crown lengthening procedure and free gingiva graft surgery. According to treatment, patients receive orthodontic treatment. Gradually, the transitional prosthesis and final prosthesis were made. By interdislplinary treatment, the situation of the complicated remaining periodontal arch will be solved to achieve the result meeting patient requirement and satisfaction.


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