  • 學位論文


Compasion of Health Behavior Self-Efficacy and Health Promotion Lifestyle Between Adolescent Cancer Survivors and Healthy adolescents

指導教授 : 吳麗敏


本研究目的在探討青少年癌症存活者和健康青少年之健康行為自我效能及健康促進生活型態的情形和差異,並找出健康促進生活型態的預測因子。 研究方式採用配對取樣,以結構性問卷作橫斷式調查。於南部某醫學中心小兒血液腫瘤門診和某完全中學進行收案,配對性別和年齡,共收案64位癌症存活者和64位健康青少年,研究工具包括:基本資料、健康行為自我效能、健康促進生活型態。 研究結果顯示(1)「健康行為自我效能」方面,11~14歲癌症存活組在「心理安適」得分最低,健康組以「運動」得分最低。15~19歲癌症存活組在「運動」得分最低,健康組以「心理安適」得分最低。 (2)「健康促進生活型態」方面:11~14歲癌症存活組以「健康責任」得分最低,健康組以「運動」得分最低。15~19歲癌症存活組的表現在「運動」得分最低,健康組則是「健康責任」項目得分最低。(3)11~14歲癌症存活者與同齡健康組在「健康行為自我效能」及「健康促進生活型態」得分呈現顯著性差異。11~14歲癌症存活者在「健康行為自我效能」次量表的「營養」、「健康責任」和「心理安適」以及「健康促進生活型態」次量表「健康責任」和「人際支持」得分都低於健康青少年。(4)15~19歲癌症存活者與健康青少年之「健康行為自我效能」與「健康促進生活型態」均無顯著差異。(5)青少年以健康行為自我效能量表的次量表-「心理安適」、「健康責任」和是否有自服成藥的習慣共可解釋健健康促進生活型態變異量的52.7%。 研究結果發現:臨床照護需要更關注於11~14歲存活者之「營養」、「健康責任」、「心理安適」、「人際支持」,需要特別加強。日後亦可以透過「心理安適」、「健康責任」作為介入措施,來加強存活者的健康促進生活型態。


This study was to explore and indentify the differences on 「health behavior self-efficacy」and 「health promotion lifestyle」between adolescent cancer survivors and non-cancer teenagers. It was case-matched, cross-sectional study by structural questionnaire, including「health behavior self-efficacy」 and 「health promotion lifestyle」. Participants were recrited from the outpatient clinics of pediatric hemotology oncology and a high school in Kaohsiung city with matched gender and age. The collected data included demographics,「health behavior self-efficacy」and 「health promotion lifestyle」questionnaires. The results indicted: (1) 11-14 years old cancer survivors had the lowest scores in 「well-being」of the health behavior self-efficacy, lowest scores in 「exercise」for control group. For 15-19 years old group, the lowest score was determined in 「exercise」and 「well-being」for cancer survivors and control group, respectively. 15-19 years old cancer survivors had significantly higher scores in 「health behavior self-efficacy」and 「health promotion lifestyle」than 11-14 years old cancer survivors. (2) For 「health promotion lifestyle」, the lowest score in 「health practices」for 11-14 years old cancer survivors and the lowest score in 「exercise」for control group. However, the lowest score was determined in 「exercise」and 「health practices」for 15-19 years old cancer survivors and control group, respectively. (3) For 11-14 years old, there was significant difference in both 「health behavior self-efficacy」and 「health promotion lifestyle」scores between cancer survivors and control group. Cancer survivors had lower scores in 「nutrition」, 「health practice」,「well-being」of 「health behavior self-efficacy」, and 「health practice」and 「interpersonal support」of 「health promotion lifestyle」than control group. (4) There is no significant difference in 「health behavior self-efficacy」and 「health promotion lifestyle」 between 15-19 years old cancer survivors and control group. (5) 「well-being」and「 health practices」of 「health behavior self-efficacy」, accounted for 52.7% variability of 「health promotion lifestyle」in adolescsnt. Conclusions: The clinical care need to pay attention on age at 11-14 cancer survivors, especially for nutrition, health practice, well-being, and interpersonal support. In the furture, well-being, health practice, habitual use of drug could be used as strategies to enhance health promotion lifestyle in childhood cacner survivors.


Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215. Doi:10.1037//0033-295X.84.2.191
