  • 學位論文


Comparison of the kinematic and kinetic difference in landing leg and the influence of knee injuries during single-leg landing between male/female badminton players

指導教授 : 周伯禧


背景膝前十字韌帶損傷(ACL injuries) 通常發生在需要反覆從事急速跳起,著地後快速變換方向的運動,例如籃球,足球等。女性運動員發生膝關節及前十字韌帶的受損的比率比男性運動員高。文獻中已確知右手持拍的女性羽球選手,在後退至反手拍後場時使用正拍過頭擊球後單腳(左膝,持拍對側腳)地會有膝關節外展角度及力矩(knee valgus angle and moment) 的顯著增加,被認為和膝關節受損及ACL injuries的發生有高度相關。但男女運動員在羽球動作中的下肢運動學及動力學差異及對膝關節之影響則需進一步研究。目的我們想要藉由動作分析了解男女羽球運動員在膝關節前十字韌帶受損的高危險性動作上,其運動學及動能學上是否有所差異以及對膝關節受損之影響。研究方法 我們對10名男性及10名女性羽球球員進行實驗。受測者於實驗室內進行後退移動到反手拍後場使用正拍過頭跳躍擊球,持拍的對側腳落地(落於力板上)後,再快速回到起點的動作。我們利用3-D 動作分析系統及力板進行運動學及動力學之資料收集分析。我們將進行男女球員之間的比較,以了解不同性別的羽球選手在執行相同動作下其落地肢之運動學及動力學及對膝關節的影響變化。研究結果 男性羽球運動員在執行往反手拍後場移動正拍過頭擊球後落地動昨時,其落地肢會有較多的hip flexion,abduction,internal rotation angle,明顯的knee varus posture, 較久的impact phase時間,來吸收及緩衝跳躍落地時之衝擊。反觀女性羽球運動員則是以較小的hip flexion angle,較明顯的knee valgus angle以及ankle dorsiflexion angle,也就是呈現下肢較直立及膝外張姿勢落地。結論 男女羽球運動員在落地肢的運動學及動力學確實有差異存在。未來可以試著藉由神經肌肉或是落地技巧的訓練改變女性運動員之落地姿勢,防止相關的膝關節甚至ACL的損傷。


Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is an important stabilizer of knee during daily activity and sport. Increased knee valgus angle and moment during landing had been reported to be the predictors of ACL injury. From literature, we had confirmed that increased knee valgus angle and moment following back-stepping to the backhand-side is associated with the ACL injury during single-leg landing after overhead stroke in female badminton players. However, the kinematic and kinetic differences of landing leg and the influenc of knee injuries between the male/female badminton players are still unknown. Purpose: To confirm the kinematic and kinetic differences of landing leg between the male/female badminton players. Materials and Methods Ten male and10 female badminton players were enrolled in this study . These subjects performed back-stepping to the backhand-side with overhead stroke then single-leg landing on the force plate and return to the starting position in the laboratory. The kinematic and kinetic data had collected by 3-D motion analysis system and force plate. Then these data were calculated by QTM and visual 3D software. Stastical analyses were conducted using SPSS version 14 software. Results During the landing course in badminton, the male player presented more hip flexion angle,hip abduction angle,internal rotation angle,knee varus angle, and prolonged impact phase。The female badminton player had less hip flexion angle,more knee valgus angle, and more ankle dorsiflexion angle during landing. Conclusion We had confirmed the existence of kinematic and kinetic differences in landing leg between male/female badminton players. We can introduce the specific training protocol to strength the neuromuscular control and landing technique for the high risk group to prevent ACL injury during training and competition.


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