  • 學位論文


A Study for Relevant Issues of Privatization Laws on the Stevedoring and Warehousing Operation of International Commercial Port in Taiwan

指導教授 : 曾國雄


我國國際商港棧埠業務民營化於民國93年1月修正「國際商港棧埠管理規則」第3、4章部分條文後,因各港棧埠業務開放民營之背景迥異,衍生諸多法規適用上之問題。民國89年2月公布「促參法」,產生港務局辦理經營棧埠設施究依商港法或促參法辦理之法律競合問題。民國87年5月制定「政府採購法」,港務局辦理經營棧埠設施甄選投資廠商之程序是否適用該法之規定迭生爭議。民國89年3月制定「行政程序法」,現有棧埠業務民營化之相關法規是否符合該法之法律保留原則及法律授權明確性原則,尚待討論。以上棧埠業務民營化法規適用上之相關問題均有必要深入探討,以建立正確觀念及提出解決方案,進而研擬約定興建或租賃經營棧埠設施作業要點及契約範例,以為實務之應用。 本研究以歷史研究法、歸納研究法及比較研究法,就棧埠業務民營化之相關觀念、沿革及現況做一詳細介紹與說明,並蒐集基隆、臺中、高雄港棧埠業務民營化之資料及相關法規,加以整理歸納比較分析後,獲致下列結論及建議。 1.棧埠業務民營化之方式,於民國93年修正商港棧埠管理規則前,有「經營棧埠設施」與「經營船舶貨物裝卸承攬業」兩種;修正後僅有「經營棧埠設施」乙種。 2.棧埠業務民營化適用之法規,除相關法源商港法、商港棧埠管理規則與促參法外,政府採購法對於約定興建或租賃經營棧埠設施作業要點之申請及審核規定,商港港務管理規則對於棧埠業務民營化之監督及管理規定,及民法債權篇對於經營棧埠設施租賃契約之條文內容規定,本研究皆逐條列舉並重點說明。 3.商港法與促參法適用上之競合問題,建議同時修正商港法第12條並增訂第12條之1,另刪除促參法施行細則第2條第4項第1款。 4.商港棧埠管理規則第84條之1及第90條規定違反行政程序法「法律保留原則」及「法律授權明確性原則」,建議修正商港法第15條第3項、第23條之2及商港棧埠管理規則第90條。以為該規則第4章「船舶貨物裝卸承攬業」所規定之申請核准條件、廢止條件及收取之權利金,於商港法中有明確授權之規定。 5.依據商港棧埠管理規則第3章簽訂租賃契約並自營裝卸承攬業之現有公私事業機構,應依該規則第4章第84條之1及第86條規定申請船舶貨物裝卸承攬業許可證。以符合私法契約不宜賦予公法權利之精神。 6.港務局在法律無明確授權下,不宜強制船舶貨物裝卸承攬業者所需裝卸搬運工人應優先遴僱現有碼頭工人。建議港務局可在合法範圍內協調港區相關業者遴僱現有碼頭工人。 7.經營棧埠設施作業要點係屬「行政規則」;其申請及審核內容建議參照政府採購法及其相關規定訂定。 8.約定興建或租賃經營棧埠設施之契約皆屬租賃契約;為使其內容能因應國內外經濟或經營環境之重大變更,建議基於雙方互利原則或情事變更原則,有修訂契約必要時可協議修訂。


Taiwan International Commercial Ports amended partial article of chapter 3 and 4 of the Regulations on Wharf and Transit Sheds at Commercial Port for privatization on the stevedoring and warehousing operations in Jan.2004. Because the individual context conflicted with the regulations, and drove a lot of issues for covering privatization. Law for Promotion of Private Participation Infrastructure Projects promulgated in Feb.2000. The Port Authority runs wharf and transit shed facilities whether based on the Commercial Port Law or Law for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects, the concurrence of laws was perplexed at the authorities. Government Procurement Act assized in May 1998. Tendentiousness occurred repeatedly on selection investor procedure. Administrative Procedure Act enacted in Mar. 2000, the current privatization law correspondence with Principle of legal reservation and Principle of explicit authorization by law was remaining to be discussed. The above-mentioned laws should be conferred on applications. This thesis is studied by historical research, inductive approach and comparative approach. The privatization on the stevedoring and warehousing operations was illustrated and stated its history, status and relevant regulations. As well as collected the data from Keelung, Taichung and Kaohsiung Ports. The conclusions and suggestions are summarized below. 1.Before the Regulations on Wharf and Transit Sheds at Commercial Port in 2004, there were two methods for privatization, one was to run wharf and transit shed facilities, and the other was to run ship cargo stevedore, after amending only a running wharf and transit shed facilities. 2.The relevant laws and regulations of privatization on the stevedoring and warehousing operations are Commercial Port Law, the Regulations on Wharf and Transit Sheds at Commercial Port and Law for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects. The application and evaluation law for running wharf and transit shed facilities is Government Procurement Act. The supervision and administration law for privatization is the Regulations on Port Services at International Commercial Port. The article of lease for running wharf and transit shed facilities is in Civil Code Part Ⅱ Obligations. There are presented items by the paper. 3.The concurrence of laws in Commercial Port Law and Law for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects is to amend article 12, to append 12-1 in Commercial Port Law, and to delete subparagraph 1 of paragraph 4 of Article 2 in The Enforcement Rules of Law for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects. 4.The rule of article 84-1 and 90 of the Regulations on Wharf and Transit Sheds at Commercial Port violates the Administrative Procedure Act of Principle of legal reservation and Principle of explicit authorization by law. The suggestion is to amend paragraph 3 of Article 15,Article 23-2 in Commercial Port Law, and to amend Article 90 in the Regulations on Wharf and Transit Sheds at Commercial Port. There is an explicit authorization by Commercial Port Law for approval application, abolishment and concessions in the chapter 4「ship cargo stevedore operator」. 5.A state-run or private enterprise according to chapter 3 of Regulations on Wharf and Transit Sheds at Commercial Port has an agreement with the government, runs ship cargo stevedore ,and should follow chapter 4 article 84-1 and 86 to apply the commercial port authority for a permit. In accordance with the spirit, it is not proper the right of public law is vested in contracts of private law. 6.Because inexplicit authorization by law, it is not proper for commercial port authorities to constrain ship cargo stevedore operator to give priority to hire existing stevedores. The commercial port authorities could coordinate private enterprise to hire existing stevedores legally. 7. The Detailed Regulations for running wharf and transit shed facilities is a class of Directions. Its contents of application and evaluation should be according to Government Procurement Act and its relevant rules. 8.The agreements of running wharf and transit shed facilities are lease. To respond the change of economy and management circumstances, the agreements could be amended through negotiation and discussion based on the mutual benefit or frustration of contract.


12.促進民間參與公共建設法 (民90)。
13.促進民間參與公共建設法施行細則 (民95)。
Systems, IIR Publications Ltd., London.
Cargo Systems, IIR Publications Ltd., London.
