  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship between Occupation Training Effectiveness and Employment Performance:An Empirical Research of Unemployed Indigineous People in Great Tainan Area

指導教授 : 李元敦


台灣地區原住民勞動人口由於其獨特的社會、文化與居住所在地的區位背景影響,在臺灣的總體經濟社會中,長期以來就處於就業競爭的劣勢地位。政府引進外勞後,原住民就業機會大受威脅。外勞政策造成對原住民勞工的排擠效應,使其失業情況更為嚴重。而其高失業率將造成種種社會的問題,使得解決原住民失業問題與提升其就業率已是當務之急。 社經地位較為劣勢的原住民可透過參加各種職業訓練課程而學得新的工作知識技能,並得以走入就業市場,進而解決原住民家庭和個人在社會上衍生的問題。 本研究針對大台南地區原住民失業者進行問卷調查,發出300份問卷,共計回收126份有效問卷。而後將問卷所得之資料以敘述統計、因素分析、信度分析、迴歸分析、t-test與變異數分析,以驗證本研究所提之假設。本研究結果發現: 1. 大台南地區原住民失業者以已婚女性居多;教育程度以高中職(含以下)為主;年齡大多為中高年齡;多為僅參與過一次職訓,並以家政服務類之職訓課程為主;對職業訓練之過程感到滿意;在結訓後所尋得之工作機會,多屬於短期的臨時性工作。 2. 職業訓練成效隨個人屬性之不同而有差異,獲得部分成立;就業績效隨個人屬性之不同而有差異,獲得部分成立。 3. 大台南地區原住民失業者之職業訓練成效對其就業績效具顯著性正向影響,獲得部分成立。


The indigineous people in the Taiwan macroeconomic society have long been on the competitive disadvantage in employment because of the impacts of their unique social, cultural and residential location backgrounds. After government brought in foreign workers, the indigineous people’s employment opportunities would be greatly threatened. The foreign labor policy has led to the exclusion effect on the indigenous workers, so their unemployment is getting more serious. The high rate of unemployment will cause many social problems, so solving indigineous people’s unemployment problem and improving their employment rate are top priorities. The poor working conditions indigenous people can participate in various occupation training programs to learn new work knowledge and work skills. After that, they will be able to get new jobs again and then solve their live problems. In this research, there were 126 effective questionnaires returned among 300 questionnaires distributed to the unemployed indigineous people in great Tainan area. The data were analyzed to test the hypotheses by a variety of statistical methods, such as descriptive statistic, factor analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis, t-test and ANOVA. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1. Most unemployed indigineous people in great Tainan area were married and female. Majority of them were middle-aged with high school (or under) education. They participated in the occupation training programs one time mostly. They chose home economic service programs more than other training programs. The process of vocational training was satisfied for them. After training, most of them got the job opportunities that mostly belonged to short-term temporary work. 2. The hypothesis that there are significant differences of the unemployed indigineous people’s characteristics on the occupation training effectiveness which is partially supported;the hypothesis that there are significant differences of the unemployed indigineous people’s characteristics on the employment performance which is partially supported. 3. The hypothesis that the unemployed indigineous people in great Tainan area’s occupation training effectiveness has significantly and positively effect on the employment performance which is partially supported.


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